I went around for a little meme stealing because I'm bored and it's always nice to have your F-list actually talk back at you. I'll probably post a few more after this as well. *rolls eyes
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Sephiroth, ahhh, he's the fucking w00tness. He's an obsession.. omfg, that voice.. pure evilness. Not personally having played FF7 myself, I can't say I know Aerith so well, other than KH/KH2 and I didn't get enough of her except she's like.. super cute.. and.. her voice is all flow-ey.. eh?! She didn't do much for me there. But I know all of the plot about FF7 and her character rubbed me better. But I do like the sound of rubbing salt in Cloud's wounds, I mean the pairing would just kill him, bwahahaha, whats not right in the world without an angsty Cloud. ha! I wouldnt mind reading a well written smut involving the two, though.
Gwahhaha. I know you don't like Kagome -- which is why I refrained from Sesshoumaru/Kagome -- I know you'd have a killer time downsizing that one. But c'mon, butter up to the little Kagster. She's sweet and innocent, maybe a bit brash at times, also sometimes utterly stupid. She's always pining for Yasha and he's always comparing her to Kikyou. Oh, mournful soul, woe is me! And theres Naraku with his whole Onigumo dealio and the fets for Kikyo.. and then theres the reincarnate. No, I dont think they work seriously, but well written, dirty fucking smut? Yeah.. I think he could defile that virgin and put her away for good -- but most that try, fail. My eyes burn in shame trying to read most, but a few work for me so much it makes me obsessed. Maybe its just personally because I never could get interested in Kikyou and her wandering soul, gahhh, thats probably because I stopped watching the anime after awhile. But its good to know you've got it pinned on at least how to make them work, even if you aren't interested.
Being a personal favorite fan of Kagome/Miroku, I could always say pair Sango up with Naraku and.. problem solved! Mmmm, Roku.. yippy-do.
You're too fast you freak. I barely finish answering the rest and here you already are with a new post. That's cruel.
I think Sephiroth's absolute hotness is brought to an overkill in Advent Children. Seriously, watching that always gives me a heartattack and the need to obsessively read through a lot of smut. Usually the violent kind with him and the katana playing an important part. And Aerith isn't doing her best in the KH games. I love her in Advent Children, she's less perky and annoying and more of an interesting character. She's beautiful as hell too. And has Sakamoto as her voice, ah, excellent! Then again AC makes me worship the goddes that is Tifa as well, so that movie makes everyone hott. Just thinking about Reno & Vincent makes me melt. You know where to find me, when the mood for Seph/Aerith smut strikes... otherwise you just might run into the disturbed ones with him and his kinky katana. I recently read a good crack/smut!fic with him watching her masturbate from a tree and deciding to kill her because she gave him a woody. Man that was hott. *rolls eyes*
Sesshoumaru/Kagome would've killed me for sure. It's probably the only Inu pairing I don't stomach. I do enjoy the mental image of Naruku defiling the virgin though. Oh my, it's sounding almost delicious. And I suppose I like Kikyou better because she's emotionally handicapped. It's just my thing. You could write a serious Kikyou/Naraku too. Damn, now it won't leave my head for a week. Nuuuu.
Sorry, I just keep on ranting, don't I? But one more thing. Kagome/Miroku I can totally see. Miroku's first appearance in the series and his interaction with Kagome is all you need. Bang, I bet it's someone's OTP, because you could totally work it solid. *nods*
I knew you were going to mention my fast skills. Its because I'm fucking bored and my fate lies in this debate.. or so on.. not because I've got your journal under 24/7 surveillance, but wouldnt that be neat?!
Ohhh, I know what you mean about Advent Children! I watched it with a friend and I was in awe how fucking hot everyone was. I really liked Aerith in that one, and Cloud, and Vincent, and Tifa was awesome as hell. I just love a chick that can use her hands. Sephiroth though, he was the best part, just watching him and his weapons turns my knees into jelly. BWAAHAHAH. I'm sorry, but the fic you described had me almost in tears. I could totally see that, Seph killing Aerith cause she got him all stiff. Fucking great shit.
Chyeahhhhhh. Kagome/Miroku is my fix. There are authors that have written multipes of this pairing and they always got me reading. Ah fuck, I cant debate anymore.. once the urge to read smut fics overwhelms me I must devote all my attention into finding good ones and sifting out the bad. Oy.
Sephiroth, ahhh, he's the fucking w00tness. He's an obsession.. omfg, that voice.. pure evilness. Not personally having played FF7 myself, I can't say I know Aerith so well, other than KH/KH2 and I didn't get enough of her except she's like.. super cute.. and.. her voice is all flow-ey.. eh?! She didn't do much for me there. But I know all of the plot about FF7 and her character rubbed me better. But I do like the sound of rubbing salt in Cloud's wounds, I mean the pairing would just kill him, bwahahaha, whats not right in the world without an angsty Cloud. ha! I wouldnt mind reading a well written smut involving the two, though.
Gwahhaha. I know you don't like Kagome -- which is why I refrained from Sesshoumaru/Kagome -- I know you'd have a killer time downsizing that one. But c'mon, butter up to the little Kagster. She's sweet and innocent, maybe a bit brash at times, also sometimes utterly stupid. She's always pining for Yasha and he's always comparing her to Kikyou. Oh, mournful soul, woe is me! And theres Naraku with his whole Onigumo dealio and the fets for Kikyo.. and then theres the reincarnate. No, I dont think they work seriously, but well written, dirty fucking smut? Yeah.. I think he could defile that virgin and put her away for good -- but most that try, fail. My eyes burn in shame trying to read most, but a few work for me so much it makes me obsessed. Maybe its just personally because I never could get interested in Kikyou and her wandering soul, gahhh, thats probably because I stopped watching the anime after awhile. But its good to know you've got it pinned on at least how to make them work, even if you aren't interested.
Being a personal favorite fan of Kagome/Miroku, I could always say pair Sango up with Naraku and.. problem solved! Mmmm, Roku.. yippy-do.
I think Sephiroth's absolute hotness is brought to an overkill in Advent Children. Seriously, watching that always gives me a heartattack and the need to obsessively read through a lot of smut. Usually the violent kind with him and the katana playing an important part. And Aerith isn't doing her best in the KH games. I love her in Advent Children, she's less perky and annoying and more of an interesting character. She's beautiful as hell too. And has Sakamoto as her voice, ah, excellent! Then again AC makes me worship the goddes that is Tifa as well, so that movie makes everyone hott. Just thinking about Reno & Vincent makes me melt. You know where to find me, when the mood for Seph/Aerith smut strikes... otherwise you just might run into the disturbed ones with him and his kinky katana. I recently read a good crack/smut!fic with him watching her masturbate from a tree and deciding to kill her because she gave him a woody. Man that was hott. *rolls eyes*
Sesshoumaru/Kagome would've killed me for sure. It's probably the only Inu pairing I don't stomach. I do enjoy the mental image of Naruku defiling the virgin though. Oh my, it's sounding almost delicious. And I suppose I like Kikyou better because she's emotionally handicapped. It's just my thing. You could write a serious Kikyou/Naraku too. Damn, now it won't leave my head for a week. Nuuuu.
Sorry, I just keep on ranting, don't I? But one more thing. Kagome/Miroku I can totally see. Miroku's first appearance in the series and his interaction with Kagome is all you need. Bang, I bet it's someone's OTP, because you could totally work it solid. *nods*
Ohhh, I know what you mean about Advent Children! I watched it with a friend and I was in awe how fucking hot everyone was. I really liked Aerith in that one, and Cloud, and Vincent, and Tifa was awesome as hell. I just love a chick that can use her hands. Sephiroth though, he was the best part, just watching him and his weapons turns my knees into jelly. BWAAHAHAH. I'm sorry, but the fic you described had me almost in tears. I could totally see that, Seph killing Aerith cause she got him all stiff. Fucking great shit.
Chyeahhhhhh. Kagome/Miroku is my fix. There are authors that have written multipes of this pairing and they always got me reading. Ah fuck, I cant debate anymore.. once the urge to read smut fics overwhelms me I must devote all my attention into finding good ones and sifting out the bad. Oy.
I'll so need to rewatch AC tomorrow. And reread that fic. *cackles* Damn, it's too hot in my room! *insert mental breakdown*
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