was up yall?.... im trying to get my friends to join this live journla thing i dunno if they like it i dont know y i think it is cool..... anyways i juss got yelled at by my mom bc i didnt eat the dessert that my g ma made (angelfood cake with bluberry's nd rubarb...) who the hell puts rubarb on angelfood cake i mean wtf! but im alyways gettin yelled at damn.... yesterday i got yelled at b/c i wasnt readin nd my own sis wont even take my side she agrees w/ my mom but thats pipical i do the same SOMETIMES w/ her i gtg now pz out..
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From: lilhiphophunny
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2004-06-30 14:16 (link) Select
pipical = ???
Lol. Well you should read. It would improve your FCAT and NRT scores.
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2004-07-30 15:58 (link) Select
okay w/e pz and im out beotch!!!!!
cute mandy!!!!!!!!!! *****
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HeyYy Lorenn!!!
2004-07-31 17:14 (link) Select
HeyYy loren!!! its chelz. . . . I am so glad were friendz again . . .by the way whos Manddy ??? ^^^^^^^????? ANYWAYS!!
http://journals.aol.com/x0sweetazsuggax0/XLiLChElZX (Reply to this)(Parent)
2004-07-31 19:01 (link) Select
who the hell are you callin mr biotch? if i dont know you then mayb you dont know me
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2004-07-31 20:47 (link) Select
No u dont know me BEOTCH!!!!
(Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread)
2004-07-31 20:51 (link) Select
wtf! man come on i dont even know you y do u care what i think man?
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2004-07-31 20:54 (link) Select
So wut this is fun!!!
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2004-08-01 20:14 (link) Select
wow u have no life
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2004-08-04 17:49 (link) Select
OMg. . .I have no life! you have no fukin life u loser! all u got in here is OMg chelez is so mad and OMg i am so pissed bla bla bla!!! BORING AS FUKIN HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread)
2004-08-04 18:15 (link) Select
so then if it's so god damn boring then why do u give a fuk??????? y the hell do you keep sending me bak bull shit like ur somboby? w/e go ahead and say w/e cute mandy i bet ur ugly as fuk dont send here again nd stay outa my buisness!!!!!!!!!!
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2004-08-04 19:20 (link) Select
Dear Journal Writer,
I am so sorry, my sister Mandy went on my screen name and did all that... I am very sorry...She is only ten and I went on back and it showed the things she wrote...I told my mother and she is grounded for cusing...thank you for putting up with her...my apoligies
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2004-08-05 08:54 (link) Select
thank you