Feb 03, 2010 16:26
Ok so this past weekend I have said a million times can only be described in one word: EPIC. It all started on Saturday, woke up at 5am to be in Nyon by 715, not fun but that is the price I paid to go on a trip. We all piled onto the bus (48 aupairs) and headed to Gstaad/Rougemont for the weekend. The drive up was pretty fun, we all just kinda talked and got to know new people. Once we arrived we had to lug our luggage up the hill through the snow because the bus was unable to drive up the hill due to the snow. The chalet we stayed in was a lot of fun, some of the rooms were neat looking and the view out of the window was AMAZING. Once everyone found their rooms we all started to get our snowgear on and all met in the common room for the famous Paul talk about rules and such. Once the talk was finished all the skiiers and snowboarders finished getting ready and headed down to the hill for some fun.
The first time down the hill was really exciting. Being from Ontario, the hills we ski/snowboard on are usually man made humps in the ground. They are always groomed and most of the time fake snow. It was so much fun boarding through untouched and ungroomed snow. Falling was just as much fun, becuase when you would fall it was like falling into a cloud. I snowboarded for a couple hours and started getting tired as I was sick for most of the week with a virus. I headed back to the chalet and showered and had Stephanie braid my hair. That night for dinner we had fondue and it was AMAZING. After dinner a group of us just gathered together and talked about stuff, travelling and life in general while we waited for the Aupair Olympics to begin. Arni our torch barer came in to the room with the Oylmpic torch (a fly swatter) and the games began. We had to make up our own country along with a flag. My team was "Sweetslovia" and the logo was "Forget LasVagas, come to Sweetslovia where everything is sweet" and the anthem was "Hear the beat; as we stomp our feet; we are sweet...; Sweetslovia; Sweetslovia <3" The second part of the opening ceremony was the parachute which I dont think half of us have used since we were in like grade 5. The first game was the Bobsled race where we basically took people adn ran around in circles with them on blankets this was very dangerous 48 people running in a small room. NOT SAFE. The second game which was the funnest was we had 2 mintues to make "snowballs" out of newspaper as fast as we could, when that 2 mintues was up the battle began. When the battle began it was literally like a war zone, hands flying, feet flying, people flying just pure madness. There were 4 huge black garbage bags full of paper!!!! The third event was an elastic game, not as fun as the snowball fight though again 48 aupairs running in a small room, not safe. The last game of the evening was the dance routine. We had to make up a 30 second dance routine to a song but the catch was, we didnt know the song we were dancing too until it was our turn. There were some interesting dances. Once the olympics were over, everyone kinda just went into their rooms and went to bed. I had discovered that there was wireless internet in the chalet so Stephanie and I went to bed and had our facebook fix for the day!!!!!!
The next day was probably the funnest more tiring day EVER. The skiiers and snowboarders headed out right after breakfast and the left over people who were the sledders left not too long after. WE walked into town and caught the train from Rougemont to Gstaad to jump onto the lift so we could go sledding. Extreme sledding def lived up to its name in certain parts of the run. it was approx 6 kms long and it was all down hill. The first time we went down there was no waiting for Lacey. She pretty much jumped onto the sled and went. Lisa was next and poor girl but so funny went down and hit a snow bank and flew over her sled into the snow and laid there becuase she hurt her knee but it was hilarious to watch her fly through the air. Going down the hill there were some close crashes but everyone did well with steering. When we got to the final hill at the end Lisa one again crashed this time into a pole that was clearly marked. She hit it dead on and made the pole bend and she landed in a stream. It was the funniest thing I have ever witnessed and I wish I got it on tape. The walk back took literally 20 mintues which sucked. So when we got back to the gondolas we sat on our sleds and had a snack to get some energy back and back upt he hill we headed to a second run. The second time around it was alot more fun becuase we knew what was coming. This time I decided to go head first down most of the run with Lacey. It was so fast and so fun. Lacey caught up with me and ran right over my leg and dragged me with her. Going down head first was alot harder when it came to steering and I almost went off the mountain a few times but proceeded to get control of my sled just in time. On the last part of the run Lacey wanted to go down head first and this hill was not no little hill, this hill when looking down was almost like a 75degree angle and it was FAST. So Lacey being the daredevil she is decided it would be fun to go head first adn not scream like a little girl. She went down head first and she def. screamed like a little girl, I think they heard her in China. I have it on tape and I dont even she was going down the hill and she was screaming.
After the second run a few people wanted to go again. Stephanie, Lisa and I were soaked and chilled to the bone so we opted to head back to the chalet. We had about 50 mintues to wait for the train so we headed to a restaurant and got hot chocolate to warm up alittle. Once back to the train station in Rougemont the walk up to the chalet was the worst ever, mostly becuase we were all chilled and wet and cold and icy. Once back to the chalet we packed up and cleaned the chalet and headed back to Nyon. I had a blast this weekend and it was alot of fun. I met a bunch of new people and have many more memories that I will never forget from this weekend. The next LiNK weekend is in March and its the Film Weekend which should be interesting yet again if its anything like last time.
Next weekend Stephanie and I are heading to Barcelona for the weekend so be sure too look out for a post on that :)