Apr 27, 2004 13:29
Hmm. I dont have much to say... but i figured i should say something, mainly cause im bored...
* I got an apartment with Amanda... hope that goes well after all the deliberating that it took to decide.
* Today was my last 8 am class for the semester cause all my others have been cancelled due to Dead Week
* Dead week sucks
* i have to get everything in my dorm room to fit into my car to bring home for this weekend cuase im going to Music Midtown b4 Hell Week.
* i hope i pass spanish cause it would make me sad if i didnt
* I should probably start trying to study... BWAHAHAHA
* Stevie and Sarah took everything home today... its sad that the year is almost over.... oh wait, no its not.
* Everyone should go see 13 going on 30 because it is the best movie ever.
* I still dont want to study
* David gets to spend the weekend at my casa cause were goin to music midtown! yay!
Thats about it in a nutshell.
tuesday- CTD applied design 11 30-2
wednesday-Spanish 103 3 30-6
thursday- sociology i forgot when... and art 7-930 AND I MISS THE FRIENDS SEASON FINALE TEAR