Feb 09, 2004 13:30
I rarely miss class cause they take attendance but i thought i would skip them this Friday and be home when David gets out of school... Oh but wait the stupid spanish department scheduled an exam that you cannot make up. WTF who in their right minds schedules anything on Fridays... most people dont even go to class on Fridays cause they are too hung over. GRRRR This makes me so mad. I have no clue what the fuck i am doing in spanish anyways. "Intensive Advanced Review Spanish 103" should really be called Students who want to take the advanced course so they only have to take one semester and where is the review in all of this? Its like my Junior Sucking year in highschool all over again... and i hated Spanish then too bitch.
My Teacher is one of those nice, young and pretty girls that were taken to the dark side to be a teacher and at the age of 25 seems like a 40 year old who is organized enough to have 8 children who all play soccer and she is the soccer mom.
On the upside... my Art lab was canceled making my day un poco mas brighter.
I cant wait to go home on Friday!... now at 5 oclock RAR