Omg, omg, O.M.G. This episode was freaking awesome :D Squeeeee !
I watched it together with my sis some minutes ago ( we're sitting at the couch packed like sardines ^__^) and right at the beginning we both want to "click" some minutes back to watch this one scene again but than we struck that we watched this epi live xD So , no re-watching :(
Goood, I sooo love this epi ^^ Okay, where should I start?^__^ It's a loooong list xD *g*
♥ Dean is sleeping in a motel bed <333 :D. Okay, he does it in season 4 totally often , but geeeeeez, everytime he looks sooo cute.:D When he woke up from the loud noise outside and overheard Sam, who nervously went to and fro in the bathroom (!?) . And as Sam suddenly hung up and Dean made a pretence of sleeping. Geee, how he rushed up into the pillows again. <33 Jensen looks so sweeeeeet ! Sorry, can't stop my fangirling !^___^ Squueeee! Love it ! <3 Sam woke him up and he "awoke" slowly . Cuddly ! And he doesn't use his leather jacket as a blanket anymore . ^____^
♥ Did Sam said :" Hey...up man,kiddo."? He called Dean "kiddo" for the first time, didn't he? Geeez, usually itis the other way round :( *sigh*
♥ Dean stared at his brother's phone. Gee, his look .*giggles* And when his curiosity finally won.Nosy,nosy xD
♥ Boys in suits *-*
♥ Bobby's different telephone collection.I must grin from ear to ear xD *gg* Btw, what the hell was Bobby cooking xD ?
♥ "Strippers, Sammy,strippers! We are on an actual case involving strippers.Finally! " LMAO xD
♥ Dean knew that Sam slept with ...uh..oO don't remember her name although Sam denied it.
♥ After sharing the "bottle" ( sry, guys, can't remember how this thing is called. Guess,my brain isn't working anymore in the morning xD) when Nick said "Or saliva." and Dean instantly knew that he got poisoned.Man, his gaze. Awesome ! :D And then he is so..... un-Dean-like oO. And when he glanzed at this guy. Wohooo! So cool!
♥ Gee, I guess Jared was totally glad about the scene near the end. He loves fight scenes to perform together with Jensen ^_____^. But... geeeeez, it was so damn heartbreaking . ._________.
heee, tiny hearts sharing ^_^ No specific order.^^
1. ♥ Love this scene , when Sam went inside the motel room, Dean suddenly rushed up behind him and pressed the knife against Sam's throat and pinioned himself inclusive Sam against the door-^___^
2. ♥ Sam immediately knew that Dean got poisoned ( okay, he is his brother.He should know what's going on, but... still.Dunno xD Okay,make this any sense !? xD *laugh* )
3. ♥ Jensen looked the whole time somewhere in the area between the knife,Jared's chin and in the air. Squeee ! :D Look's sooo damn cool ! is somehow creepy xD So poisoned!Dean.Oo *shiver*
4. ♥ The whole scene in the motel room - the fight- geee, it was totally hot xD.
'Well I don't know when it happened, maybe when I was in hell, maybe when I was staring right at you. But the Sam I knew, he's gone."
How he said it. ;___; *sigh* My heart flinched. He is truly right. Sam isn't Sam anymore :( *sigh* Can we have the old one back , please ? *puppy-eyes* And the unique brotherly relationship, which actually made Supernatural so damn special? Inclusive chick-flick moments?And the brotherly touching? And the way , how they take care of each other?Pleeeeaaase !*instantly try to copy Sam's special puppy-eyes, which no one can resist*
'It is not the demon blood or the psychic crap.. It's the little stuff.'
Dean, you let my heart flinched before it broke into million little pieces. ;____;
'We used to be in this together.We used to have each other's back.''
You totally can see that Dean wants that back so damn badly. ;______; He want just his Sammy back. A silent plea. ;____;
He need someone to hold on to - and the one he found in Nick this epi.Sam doesn't really dare something with Dean anymore except the cases - no go for a beer or something :(.
He said nothing bad - just the truth.
And Sam ?
"I'm a better hunter than you are.Stronger, smarter..."
"... you're too busy whining about all those souls you tortured in Hell. Boo hoo"
I just wanted to jump into the TV to shake him thoroughly.Gosh,Sam? What the hell got into you? ó____ò
But somehow Sam must take this whole situation a little to heart . Anyhow he wouldn't have thrown the mobile across the room after Dean told him that he didn't trust him.
"You know I didn't mean the things I said back there,right? That is was just the siren's spell talking?" -Of course, me, too."
Grrr, guys, NOTHING is alright >___<
In the middle of the fight I thought about how supernatural could end someday ( hope ,we get at least a fifth season! *cross fingers* :D).And when I saw both brothers fighting and I thought about a end, where one of them will kill the other or each, it was like someone cut with a knife directly into my heart. .____________. *sigh* It was a really,really strange feeling.
If they are going down, they should going down TOGETHER !Like Sam said once. Fighting against the darkness - not fighting against each other.
Kripke? Please, fix the fucked up relationship again !!!! *damn huge puppy-eyes* ó____ò Otherwise I'm dying when they spilt more and more apart.Fix it, please! *puppy-eyes*
After this epi I felt somehow like crying . .___.
But all in all? Awesome epi ! :D
Jared and Jensen did such a good job again! Gosh, I love these guys ! <33
My sis told me that we must wait 4 weeks 'til next episode? Nooooo, not again on a withdrawal. ._______. After all I need my fix on every Friday.They can't do it. Not again .______.
Huh, meanwhile it got light outside.I'll try to get some sleep . :) *but is somehow too in high spirits*
Greetings :D