Jul 20, 2005 22:34
ok well nottin really happened today but my cuzin carley came ova! we had fun! but i didnt get to tell yawl about my vball camp!! well ong!! it was awsome!! ok well we drove up and i was with my freind kayla well we went and ate a dream land well these really hot high school baseball players were there well we went and were takin a picture and one of the dads was liek can we b in the pictures but he was just playin but we got a piture with all of the hot baseball players not there dads but there arms r aroud us it waslike the best!! well then we went to the dorms they were okay the were really blah! well we got unpacked and got ready to go and play volleyball ofcourse well after that we had a dorm activite(sp?) well it was so much fun we played sharades(sp?)we had like 6 teams at first but then it was 2 teams at the end my team one i had so much fun!! well after that me and kayla ate candy and stuff just had fun then i read my book and we went ot bed at like 1 or sumthin like that wellthen we got up at liek 6:45 got ready and went to burke hall and ate breckfast well to my surprise just guess who had a camp goin on and ate when we did?!?! soccer camp!! it was awsome!! there were like a lot of hot guys there!! i was so excied!! i was walkin by a group of guys that looked liek they were 12 or something and there were like will u please go out with this guy i swer hes 16 and he was like 4'6 or sumthin like that well i was like no and they were like what?!?! then i just walked away! then i went to volleyball and then we came back for lunch it was awsome!1 ok well this gurl sat at the boys table i told he not to but she did!! well she wanted thid guys number and was liek cam i tell him that u want it and get it for u she was sayin this to my freind kayla and she was liek no then when that gurl j left i went up to teh guy and was liek hears the deal she wants ur # and her cell was ther eso he was liek umm ok i guess if she doesnt bugg me well in liek the middle of that i look down like at all teh guys and they were all staring at me and i was like o hi! it was funny!! well then we went to volleyball again then we came back for dinner well i was with this gurl who had cum for day camp with us well she was liek he was checkin u out! and i was like who and it was liek short dude and it ends up we were liek sittin by him and he was liek hittin on kayla and he tuched her butt but she didnt know because she thought she hit something but when she was gone he was liek i toughted he butt and i was lik,e okay...? we were like y r u hittin on her then he was like i'm a guy thats what i'm sopose to do i was like ok.........? well then we went to volleyball then we went bac to the dorm then i had to take a shower in these naste showers!! then we played sardens(sp?) and i hid first and i had to hid in this showerthat was naste an dit was dark an di was alone!1 i was so scared i was like thinkin pyhco teh whole time well they found me and we tried to fit in this reall small shower it hurt so bad!well then after we played a few more times me an dkayla went up stair to talk on the phone then j calle dus from her room cus we couldnt go to each other rooms after 11 well we ccalle dtrey the i called jackie which i forgo tto call bac SRY!! then we ate candy then i read my book and she went ot sleep then we got up and packed everything in to our suitcase then we went an ddroped it off at the cave its a gym thats just what they call it well after that we went to eat breckfast and we missed the really hot guys but when we were leavin we saw the same guys that hit on kayla o0o i forgot to tell u but cristina this gurl from rivercase told them her numbe rteh day b4 an dthey calle dher house and they liek lefted a message kayla was mad!! well that was my exciding time at camp!! comment please!! <3 yawl! Samantha!!