A real update?! No way.

Nov 11, 2007 15:53

This was defintely the most stressful week of my life.

I was positive I would not come out alive, and yet here I am, bearly alive. I guess it is better than nothing.

My whole week started off horribly since I did not sleep at ALL on Sunday night. I stayed online tll like 1030, and I figured I'd go right to bed, but nooo. My heart got the best of me and kept me up all night, so Monday I was in such a horrendous mood. Practice 2x seemed like they were going to last for freaking ever. Work was alright. I stayed for adult class to just fool around a little bit, and it was fun, I needed it.

No school on Tuesday, and yet I found myself busier than EVER. I had to go to the school earlier than practice started and do everyone's hair for team counties. Sooo, got that done and overwith, we practiced a little bit and then I was off to work. Work was fun, Tuesdays & fridays are always fun because I have good kids. Then it was staight to Cafe Amici with the team for pasta night. Yeahh, too bad EVERYONE basically got sick. Niiiice. Went home & crashed.

Wednesday I just was not all there because I was so nervous about Team Counties... Got out of school after 7th, and had to do 3 more heads of hair, which I rushed through sooooo badly. And yeah, off we went. It was such a fun meet. All four events went at the same time, so it was really no pressure. I absolutely loved it because it felt like a club meet. I did okay for me, I fell off beam once, but got back up and repeated the skill so it was okay. We had some retarded judges here & there, but it was alright. We came in fourth, which considering last year we did not even MAKE team counties was pretty amazing. <333

Thursday I was too tired to care about anything, haha. We didn't get home till like 930 the night before, it was such a long night. I threw up a couple of times in the middle of the night, so I totally did not feel well at all, but I had to go to school because I had a physics test 1st period and music theory project performance and I was in other people's groups sooo yeah. It really was a sucky day. I went to work earlier than normal, had a complete breakdown, taught for two hours and then just completely wanted to die, lol. I could not believe how stressed out I was. When I got home, I ate dinner and just went to bed. I didn't set my alarm, either, because I wanted to sleep in.

Friday was niiiice. I woke up around end of 4th period and got to school during 5th. I felt sooo much better, but I was soo nervous about individual counties that night. Eeek. The meet was fun. So so so much fun. It was my first and last county meet, and I have to say, I think I did pretty well. I got an 8.4 on bars, which... umm, wa smy highest score EVER this whole season... hell yeah! I almost vaulted through the gym doors and I had to vault with a red springboard, it was really distracting, lol. The floor had wrestling matts under it, but at one corner, it was uneven and I almost fell off the floor and out of bounds during my routine. hahahaha. It was fun; went to friendlys w/ jess & steph after and it was just soo much fun. I'm going to miss this season...

Saturday was gymnastics all day and I did not have a good practice at all. I think my big toe is broken from a fall off bars and I did a timer for a yurkencho on vault and went soo completely sideways and rolled my left foot. Niiiice. It's fine though, my ankle feels okay thank god. Hopefully next week we flip it ? Hopefully.

Sooooooooooooooooooo. Gymnastics is over, we have the dinner this Wednesday and it's completelyyy done. I cannot thank god enough. It's going to be so nice to freaking come home after school and actually get my homework done and practice, ugh, I just can't wait. :)

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