Jul 05, 2006 16:53
i'm hungover. i had a good time last night (i think). i called quite a few people...lol, sorry to those who got long stupid voicemails or to those who got long stupid phone calls lol. renee, i would have called you but it was late and i figured you might be sleeping or something. and rachel, thanks for talking to me last night...you made me feel better. frank took care of me (sorta) too...which was interesting. i gave away my bracelet at a bar and made a new friend . i saw some of my coworkers and met the new girl at work...that's some impression i made i'm sure. i saw fireworks when i was hanging out of frank's sunroof LOL. and i met the girl downstairs from reggie and frank. and other stuff i'm sure, but i don't remember. i hope everyone's fourth was as fun and safe as mine was (well, fun until about 1am). i just figured i should document this monumentous occaision since i don't get hangovers. now i'm off to take a nap before work