Mar 26, 2005 08:12
Im havin such a fantastic week it awesome! Ok well it was either thurs. ... i think it was thurs. but ne ways lol joe came over and we chilled. We talked spent fun time together. Then friday came and my dad told me he was goin 2 his chikies house. So i called joe up and i was like hey wanna take me home with u. And he called back l8ter askin me if i wanted to go to dinner with him and hiz fam. So i said yes. So then we went to dinner and i was so stuffed up i couldnt eat it sucked but ne ways, so then we eat and stuff and i was kinda mad bout sumthin but joet thought i was bein cute. Cause my cuz g/f lil sister... yea dont like her. She was there i wanted to smush her like a lil bug she is! but... i didnt. So ne ways we got back to joe and we were wattin and wattin 4 my dad 2 call 2 tell me hes gonna come and get me. Well round like 11 or so i called an left a message. WEll then i asked joe" what happens if he doenst call cause he was sayin he might spend the night at her house" so we wound up askin his mom if i could just stay there and I WAS ALOUD 2!!!! i was kool. So then i called my dad and i was like hey... blah blah blah on the answer mechine. And he called back and said ok. SO then Joes mom give me drugs (cause im sick) lol - NightQuil<-? and i started to like pass out. It funny what that stuff duz to u! lol so then joe and i talked summore and then went to bed. I almost fell asleep on him. It was so CUTE!! lol So then like around 5:30 his alarm goes off and he didnt hear it so i had 2 wake him up. Its funny tryin 2 wake him up! lol so then he got up got ready 4 work and took me home. Well ok i got home thinkin i have 2 be really silent cause its like 7:40 and my dads still sleepin. So i was walkin round 4 bout a half and hour be all silent and ships -lol- and come to find out he did spend the night at hiz chick when he told me he was gonna be @ the house. DER!!! So yea thats my kool yet prob borin 4 you story. Oh yea and then... im goin 2 spend more time with joe 2 marrow 4 easter wow first time on a holiday i dont act have 2 be with my dad. Cause usa. we kid r forced 2 saty home! ger that always make me mad. lol But yea ok so thats my story! sry if it was borin for you. If you would like to hear the stuff i left out talk 2 me - really juciy -lol jp! wel i gotta go back 2 bed - im sleepy!! love ye alls Kisses Joe;) Im so happy Joe and i r workin things out