Dec 02, 2005 11:13
I've heard that teachers want to be teachers so that they can shape the youth of tomorrow and as they do it learn a thing or two from the kids they are "teaching." But more and more often it seems to me that once adults reach a certain age that their brains shut off and they become completely unresponsive to new ideas.
I was discussing with a teacher the reason for bad words. Why is it socially unacceptable for a kid to run around saying fuck?
I understand the reason for not saying God damnit, mainly because it can offend people with religous backgrounds. I myself have a religous background and I do take Gods name in vain, but I don't like to. I am not here to say that I think all people cannot take his name, but I mean really- if you aren't religous and don't claim to love the God you curse, then go right ahead.
I have a problem with shit, fuck, damn. They are not vulgar in any sense, they do not hurt people emotionally. So why if I drop my dinner plate on the ground, why can I not exclaim FUCK, so that it rings through my house and can be heard from upstairs. I once asked my mom why I cannot say it. She said that society says no.
So let me ask you: WHO THE FUCK IS SOCIETY?