Aug 10, 2007 07:04
well i just realized that i like the white stripes. i use to like seriously hate them. weird.
well im getting sick.
im conjested & my head, stomach & throat hurt.
my mom gave me like 5 fucking horse pills to take.
for all i know she could have gave me something that can kill me. lol
oh well.
i really want to go to another pearl river party. the last one was really fun.
even though me & Sam crashed it. lol
i drank some shit i found in the fridge in a cup. i still don't know what it was.
Sam stole us each a pack of ciggs from a cabinet. haha.
& we just hungout with Ray & Josh. they are funny.
its sooo crazy.
school starts today.
(well mandeville schools)
its just crazy to think that im not going at all this year.
i mean i know i dropped and all... but its still weird.
that reminds me i have to call nunez today to see if its different than GED over here.
GED over here isn't that bad... i just passed everything except for the math parts.
i forgot how to do fractions & stuff.
but thats good. i still think im dumb though.
i really am. i guess mostly. im just a good guesser.
eww. man i put my mood as sick & the fucking face thing throws up & makes me feel more sick.
p.s. i will marry Jared Leto
haha. hes gorgeous & from Louisiana.