May 16, 2007 04:26
i went to think like really big school, the kind you live in i think. it was co-ed. it had many many different floors. it is the weirdest school you can imagine. instead of stairs there are these long strips of the stuff that you run on the treadmills. you stand on it & it moves you places. its crazy i know. well my sister was there & she was sad because this girl kept making fun of her.... & i felt like a little brawl so i brought her to the place that the girl was. if i remember correctly the girl was Sarah, you know the problem child. well she thought she was sooo bad ass & she had a country accient, she laughed with her friends & made jokes about me & my sister, while we walked round & stood in line to check out. well we just ignored her & as i was walking out i looked back at her & said "your just all talk bitch, DO SOMETHING!" & kept casually walking. she followed me out with a mean ass look & grabbed a trophy from well... i don't where she got this trophy. but it was a trophy for baseball with the person standing with a bat. & she said " ALL TALK MY ASS, IM GOING TO FUCK YOU UP." i told kristen to just go on ahead of me. she walked away. then sarah said something bout putting that thing up my ass. so i took it out of her hand and broke the person off. then i threw her into a door. crazy weird. haha well i realized i was going to be late for class so i headed outside for my next period. it was like a chinese garden it was beautiful. i almost got into a lot of trouble with Mrs. ARCIE! yes she was in it. she calmly talkeed to me & i told her it wasn;t my fault. everyone backed me up in class. they all were my friends. then i met the teacher he was the black actor samuel L jackson. i told him about my fight. he laughed. then we went on a fieldtrip. we went to the nutraground. lol don't ask. b/c i don't have an idea why. but we went there & it was the one by jubilee & the dominios stand. in chalmette. well i was flirting with this guy & we were sooo into converstion that the next thing i knew was that there was some big crisis going on around us. swat people, paramedics, cops, military, etc.... were all running yelling red alert & shit. i ran over to see what was happening. smytee- that was the teacher samuel's name is my dream had got ran over by a car. no one apprently saw it i don't think. i walked closer & suddenly some of my old friends started walking over to me, the only face i can remember out of them is Cady's though. i started bawling crying. & fell to the ground thinking how weird i was just talking to him. then i heard everyone screaming & turned my back there was a car headed straight for all of us just as it was seriously about to run our asses over, i heard a loud ass bang... woke up & it was lightning.
im sooo confused by that dream. everyones actions in the begining were like sooo casual & relaxed well except Sarahs. i can't even begin to explain this dream. but i do love dreaming!!