Title: Gallions Reach 4/?
lilfluffykittenRating: G
POTC/Neverwhere crossover
Word count: 200 words
Characters: Richard and the rats
Prompt: Creatures
Disclaimer: Not mine… I'm just doing it for fun not profit!
Summary: Humans, tramping around without so much as a by-your-leave. Like they owned the place…
Part 1Part 2Part 3 Time didn’t obey the same rules here, but even so it had taken generations to build up the lair. But built it had been and now the rats thrived. When today’s look out ran in, chittering and squeaking with excitement, the entire colony stopped what they were doing to hear the news. The current crew had no need of food and rarely disturbed them, so any such breaks from convention were too good to miss. The look out chittered again and now they could hear the stranger begin to gingerly climb down into the hold. Almost as one they swarmed around the bottom of the ladder jostling to see their visitor.
Richard paused, he still wasn’t used to the ship‘s pitching and rolling and could have sworn that the floor was moving in slow waves; he clung to the ladder, and waited for his eyes to adjust to the gloom before peering downwards again. It took his brain a little while to realise exactly what it was he was seeing, but he felt he took it rather well all things considered. He even managed a passable enough bow, no mean feat halfway up a ladder. The rats waited expectantly.