It’s now almost 2am on 1st Jan 2010. A start of a new decade etc, however I have been in the champagne so am backdating this to spare my blushes. Happy New Year, world! I hope 2010 is a happy, healthy and prosperous one for anyone reading this!
Now, bring on the meme - fourth in my (now not so occasional) series.
Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2009. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".
Happy New Year, world!
In those long strange weeks since following the Marquis through the door that wasn’t, Richard had plenty of opportunities to wonder if he’d made a terrible mistake.
Despite the Royal Navy’s best efforts the legend of Jack Sparrow was spreading across the Caribbean like wildfire.
So, I went to see The Boat that Rocked the other day.
The first important lesson James Norrington ever learnt was the power of his name.
Have I mentioned recently how fabulous
remixthedrabble is?
So better late than never, eh?
Stolen from pretty much everyone on my various comms’ friendslists.
Living in my own insular world I have no idea whether the rest of the world shares a lot of the UK's popular culture.
The reveal is up at
Got a small fandom that needs some love?
I have one more day until I'm off for the Christmas holidays.
What’s it all about, Alfie?
2009 was the year of my writers’ block (or at least the end of my a-drabbling ways). The last thing I properly wrote was in May (remixes don’t count as they are parasitically using someone else’s clever plotting and imagination). So boo to that! Annoyingly I signed up for the
smallfandomfest and have not only an idea, but a plot too, but alas have stumbled somewhat on actually starting. (When I say starting, I mean writing letters that then become words - I’m blocked on an equal opportunity basis, I can’t write beginnings middles or ends! I’ve been staring at the same blank computer screen since November - boo again, folks. Boo, I say.) More positively though, I had fun with the May fic, so much so I actually want to get my finger out and finish it at some stage! If Ultraviolet doesn't work out then I'm off to play in backstory world.
A lj-tastic year in numbers:
28 posts made. 14 fics written (6 remixes). 5 fandoms (whoohoo!). 2 days on tall ships. 1 mysterious Russian comment.
And a partridge in a pear tree.