Title: Gallions Reach 2/?
lilfluffykittenRating: G
POTC/Neverwhere crossover
Word count: 200 words
Characters: Just Richard and his memories here
Prompt: Second thoughts
Disclaimer: Not mine… I'm just doing it for fun not profit!
Summary: Richard’s always been okay with boats…
Part 1 Contrary to popular belief, lying down didn’t actually help much with seasickness. Richard felt fairly confident making this assessment, seeing as he was simultaneously lying full length on the deck and feeling like death. He was usually okay on boats. There’d been no problems the last time he and Jessica had gone to France. Nice big ferry with a cheery café and (sweet, glorious) stabilisers. He’d managed to coax Jess briefly out on deck. He’d remembered she’d, rather uncharacteristically, worn a summery yellow scarf in her hair. She’d stayed out long enough for the roaring wind to whip it away before retreating back inside to safety. Richard hadn’t followed; instead he’d watched the scrap of silk, bright against the competing gray of the sea and sky, spiral away into the spray and screaming seagulls. He’d been the only one stupid enough to stay outside, the wind stealing his breath away even as the cold had made his hands and face burn, but he’d revelled in the moment, elated at the sense of freedom so different to anything he’d experienced on land.
He groaned again as the deck lurched alarmingly under him. He was beginning to rethink his ideas on boats.
Part 3