My Google-Fu is failing me. Possibly about two years ago I ran across a quiz that was supposed to decide whether you were worthy to be allowed on the internet. I recall one of the questions had to do with proper use of the apostrophe. I think another may have involved whether or not to replay to a chain/virus-warning email. If you passed the test it welcomed you to the internet and if you failed informed you that you were not yet smart enough for the internet. Now I want to show it to someone, but I can't figure out where the heck it is...
Spaceballs this evening. I'm planning on going, anyone else? I was going to ask people over IM, but I haven't been online away from work much this past week. If others are going, would you rather hit the 6:30 or 8:35? Should we eat somewhere before the movie or will it be the full theater experience with pricey hotdogs and pop corn?
Here is the original
Spaceballs post on the THEM Community.