"Fascinating, and so clever too."
"Professor, in case you haven't noticed we're being shot at.
We need to get back to the ship before they try boarding this wreck." Johnny waved a couple of the marines over. The Professor was clearly in one the spells he'd get in when making a discovery. Usually that was reason for excitement, but being shot at was excitement enough for the day.
"Aha, and there should be enough power left. Johnny, can you hit that button, the diamond shaped button."
"I know, pirates. I wouldn't ask you to do it otherwise. Poor relic probably won't survive this. Now, while the power's still good, hit the button please."
He hit the button and for an instant it felt like he was stretched in a dozen directions at once. Then in a sickening suddenness the feeling went away. Along with what lights had still been working.
"What was that?"
"If my math was correct, a faster than light jump about twenty light years that-a-way." The professor waved a hand off towards the nose of the wreck.
"Jump, as in an actual jump drive?"
The Professor peered through a view port into the next room and uttered a few quiet words. "Yes. The Academy will be furious, there's barely anything left of it. But better to destroy it escaping than leave it in pirate hands. I still have my notes."
Name: James Fleming, The Professor
High Concept: Reluctantly adventuring academic
Trouble: Another request from the Science Academy?
Other Aspects:
- Stand back, I'm going to try Science!
- Home Sweet Laboratory
- I've learned over twenty languages in the course of my studies; how hard can another be?
Careful: +2
Clever: +3
Flashy: +1
Forceful: +0
Quick: +1
Sneaky: +2
Oh! It's so simple once you understand it! - Because of his wide range of studies, once a session The Professor may draw on his knowledge to gain an understanding of something alien.
(two more stunts can be taken before reducing refresh)
Stress Boxes: [_][_][_]
Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):
Today's setting aspect: Relics of the Past
The Empire and Syndicate are not the first major powers to have formed. Indeed from what Earth has learned there were at least two former civilizations with far greater knowledge and power. Many artifacts have been found. Most unfathomable, some with what appear to be everyday mundane uses, and the occasional priceless treasure...
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