A bit of politically incorrect humor...

Mar 26, 2010 12:28

Inspired by a rather blah charter school ad I saw... Don't read if you're the kind of person who thought Swift was actually advocating cannibalism.

"Is your child bored with school?"
"Does your child have discipline problems?"
"Do you need some peace and quiet in your house?"
"Wouldn't a bit of quick cash be helpful in this economy?"

"Consider enrolling your child in the new Indenture Charter School and Camp!"
"We combine the best features of boarding schools, juvenile military boot camps, and honest physical labor, to provide an environment where your child will learn discipline and build useful skills for the workplace. Just listen to these testimonials."

"After Robby was sent home the third time for fighting I called Indenture Charter School and Work Camp. After just five months he says he'll never get in a fight again... And I paid off our credit cards!"

"Tina kept ditching school so I sent her to Indenture Charter School. They let her know just what kind of work she would be able to get if she doesn't even finish middle school, let alone fail to get a diploma. It only took one month of digging ditches for her to ask to be allowed to go back to regular school. And with the Scared Smart bonus package she also got lessons to keep her away from smoking, illegal drugs, and teen pregnancy. Now she doesn't just go to school, she has actually worked more than a month ahead in all her books. And the check let us remodel the kitchen. Thank you Indenture Charter School!"

"Indenture Charter School. Let us pay you to set your kid right. Available where not prohibited by law."

humor, satire

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