I've been so lucky with all the press I've been getting, I hope it doens't seem like bragging, I just really want to share becuase I am just amazed that little old me is getting attention.
Venuszine contacted me a month or so ago and asked if I'd like to do an interview, my answer " Of course" I just love them!!! So, I was assigned to super great write Sheba White. She interviewed me over the phone and asked about me and then we chatted a bit about the diy craft scene. I feel like Sheba really got who I am and am so happy with the article. Its now up on their site!!!
Here you go!
http://venuszine.com/stories/diy_my_diy_life/3903 I think its a good read.
Thanks so much to Sheba who is a truly great writer and interviewer.