Healy, my dear beagle died late on friday nite.
For those of you who knew Healy please remember him in all his doggie lovingness. He was a kind and quirky little guy who forever will be in my heart.
I'm going to honor his life in a special way once I pull myself together. For now, here are some of my favorite Healy things.
He always looked up at me with a look of love.
The first week I got him, he got an acorn stuck between his toes, I got it out and the look he gave me was such a warm thankyou, I think that is when he realised I was his mom. He was very polite, he would tap me very gently to get my attention. When I would pet him he would lean on me. He used to take my socks, but only the clean ones and put them in the living room. He liked to pretend to bury things and it was quite the process. He would turn around to say yes and sigh thru his nose to say no. He liked to roll in the grass and it was always a bonus to him if he could find a super stinky spot. He loved treats and could do sooo many tricks. And if you were too slow giving him his treat he would do all of them. Sit, sit-up, laydown, turn around, rollover, speak, shake hands, bouncey bark. He could only turn around one way up until a few weeks ago - Steve just taught him to go the other way. He loved chewy's. He would always make sure I got up in the morning! If I pressed snooze too many times he would start tapping me. He reminded me to take breaks, and loved it when we'd go out back late at night. He would tell me to go to bed in his doggie way! So sweet. Before he got sick he used to snuggle under the covers with me, I loved this! Steve didn't, but secretly I think he did. The first night we had him I made him a bed of blankets and he pulled it all under the our bed and made a little doggie nest - so cute. I rescued Healy 4 and a half years ago, all I have is a police report saying he was found tied up behind a house in Trenton, NJ. The whole time I had him I thought someone must be looking for him because he was the best and most loving creature I had ever met. I am honored that I had the chance to know him and love him. I am heart broken that his health was so bad and will forever wish I could have known him longer. Healy was my best pal and constant companion. Having him in my life made it so much better. I tried to include him in everything I could. We used to play all the time and go for a few walks a day. I loved coming home and having him run circles around me and I was just as happy to see him. I know he knew he was very loved, I told him a zillion times a day. He was a true yoga beagle, he loved the om's, and was very respectful of my practice. When I rolled out my mat he would always do a nice long downward facing dog on it before curling up for a nap. He seemed so relaxed with the music and candles and quiet. I think the yoga helped him. The picture above is from this past summer, he didn't want to spend too much time outside anymore but would hang out on the patio a bit. We spent the past 2+ years battling his health issues which we didn't know the full extent of. My poor guy was much more sick then we ever could have imagined and now that I know, I wonder how he stayed so happy.
For those of you with pets and animal friends, please remember to always show them love and respect, they are only with us for a short while. Yet, fill our hearts with happiness and love to last a lifetime.
Love to everyone. I'm going to take a break and return after the New Year.
Om Shanti, Linda