[Fanfic] How Did It Come To This (Chapt 2)

May 13, 2011 19:17

Title: How Did It Come To This (Chapter 2) (FF.net)
Genre: Suspense/Romance
Characters/Pairing(s): America, England, Spain, Rome, Japan (and others) (USUK)
Rating/Warnings: T
Summary: Arthur Kirkland is an assassin, and a bloody good one at that. But what happens when his next target is the reporter Alfred F. Jones and he ends up getting caught up in this ridiculous young reporter's world? AU

[A/N: I'm back guys! Sorry for the long wait! (full notes at the end.)
This is from Alfred's POV]

I'd known of Arthur Kirkland since I was studying journalism in college. He was an absolute legend as far as I was concerned! Completely and utterly awesome! He may not have been very big in the world of journalism, but man could he write! Bringing down bad guys with his politely rude criticisms that no one could deny were amazing!

He'd been writing since he was eighteen, after doing an internship with his local paper and kept going right up until he disappeared soon after he turned twenty-three.

No one could explain why he suddenly vanished, or knew what he had been researching at the time. All anyone was certain of was that something broke in Arthur Kirkland's world at that time, and his name has never appeared in a newspaper since.

And now, here I am, sitting next to a hospital bed, watching that very man lie there unconscious after being shot in order to protect me.

I knew, and had done for some time, what Arthur was and why he had suddenly returned to the journalism world. Ever since that day when we made that crappy choice of trying to infiltrate Wang Yao's company and it had been let slip.

I don't think Arthur had heard. Either that or he had ignored it.

Wang had been talking away to Kiku in whatever language it was and then switched to English for some reason and carried on as if it was normal. But thinking about it, he must've done it on purpose. Only then would me and Arthur have been able to understand what he was saying, and only then would we have realised just how big our fuck up had been.

"We called in Vargas for this target." Wang had smiled, looking unnaturally young, "And he has sent Kirkland after Alfred Jones for us."

I think I must've looked just as shocked as Kiku had, but then we had been interrupted but that giant dog of a bodyguard and the next thing I knew, Arthur had grabbed my hand and we were running.

If that isn't a strange thing for the man who's supposed to be killing me to do, then I don't know what is.

I'd been wracking my brains for those few days afterwards, trying to figure out just what Arthur was thinking.

Yeah, we'd made a connection over the last couple of months. He's just too damn cute when he gets all flustered and grumpy. And well, thinking about it all kinda made me realise, but I had no idea what Arthur was thinking and feeling. But there had to be something, right? I mean, he saved me, putting his own neck at risk.

He'd been at his laptop whenever I saw him, typing at a million miles an hour, switching screens when he saw me watching. If I came over he'd close the screen altogether. Sometimes, when his cell phone rang, he would disappear from the office in a flash and not reappear for ages. But the answer to that question was easy now that I knew the truth.

It was Vargas, calling him and demanding him to get a move on and stick me in the back. But Arthur never did.

I couldn't stand the sight of him sitting in the office until the dead of night. He looked even paler than usual and his eyebrows were creased almost permanently. It wasn't as if I was going to let him battle it out by himself. There was no way I could do that.

So, when I saw him stop typing, I thought it as good a time as any to get him out of there. Though taking him back to my apartment hadn't been part of the original plan. But then, he had agreed, so he can't have minded that much, right?

Though maybe I'm just too thick-headed (as Arthur always said) and stubborn to take no for an answer.

And then things kinda moved by themselves.

We'd just been talking, but I suppose I got too caught up. Arthur had closed himself off to the world, retreated back to the deepest depths of himself and locked himself there, and I couldn't stand seeing him that way.

So I just moved. And don't get me wrong. I don't regret kissing Arthur (even if the look he gave me did kinda make me feel like I'd moved way too soon). But he didn't move from my grip. He just stayed lying there, held flush against me, face red as a tomato, but he didn't move.

"Alfred." And I had looked back up at him and he was smiling.

And God! That smile! It was awesome. Something that I had never expected to see. Something dazzling. Something just truly and utterly, completely perfect. And it was all Arthur.

"You weren't terrible."

Okay, so that hadn't quite been the reaction I had been after. But it was more than I could have ever wished for and I couldn't help but just grin back at him and hold him even closer.

And then I was kissing him again, just because I could. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, and just experience everything that was just Arthur. Everything that was the man that had shut himself away, but had allowed me that bit closer to his heart.

His eyes shone so brightly when he looked at me and I felt like I had never really gotten the chance to take in just how dazzlingly beautiful their colour was - like emeralds.

And he met me halfway as that small distance closed again and his arms were around my back, returning my hold in a way that I had never thought he would.

It clicked right then, that he felt the same, even if it went against everything that he had forced himself to believe and put him in just as much danger as me.

And then it ended.

Arthur had moved like lightening as soon as it happened. A bang, crash, and the impact of when he was shot.

It had all happened too fast.

That bastard, Antonio, was also working for Vargas and had come to finish the job seeing as Arthur was 'incapable'.

Anger had hit me and I couldn't think. I remember shouting something about the cops and turning Arthur away from the gunman.

Arthur had pulled his own gun out and was throwing it at that fucking Spaniard, while all I could do was gape at him. And it was over with Carriedo's last few words, his threats of killing both of us, before he disappeared away from the sirens that were getting louder and louder.

I was shaking Arthur, trying to keep him awake, but I could feel his blood dripping from between my fingers.

"I'm glad I didn't kill you." He whispered and then was unconscious, leaving me shouting his name as the cops burst through the door.


I'm still working on the case. I've got to! Otherwise this would've all been for nothing. There's no way that I'm letting that bastard get away with what he's doing after everything that's happened! Heracles's death, Kiku never returning after that… incident, and now with Arthur in hospital, still unconscious.

I go to see him every day and every time they ask me the same questions: "What relation was he to you?" My partner at the newspaper. "Why was he shot?" I don't know. "Do you know the man who shot him?" He's a bastard. "And what do you mean by that, sir?" Nothing.

Until they give up and leave me in the silence of the ward, waiting and hoping that today will be the day that Arthur opens his eyes.

But that day hasn't come yet.

Everyone at the paper has been getting more frantic the more time that passes.

Carriedo, of course, hasn't shown his face since, and they all know why. Francis and Gilbert looked like they'd been punched in the face when they found out what had happened, Gil disappearing almost instantly to call Ludwig, making sure that his younger brother and Feliciano stay hidden for the time being.

We all know what the name "Vargas" means around here, and it ain't anything good.

The editor has been at odds with that man for as long as anyone can remember, what with all his personal investigations of the Italian's business partners and assets. And then all that crap with Ludwig and Feliciano happened after they met by chance.

Needless to say, tensions are running even higher than usual.


I've been reading through Arthur's journal. I found it by accident when I went to find his notes for the case, but well, this should give me some kind of lead on what I need to do. He'll probably go crazy if he finds out.

Just as long as the cops don't come snooping.

It's not the most comfortable thing I've ever read. I mean, at the start he did like to kinda… complain… about me mostly (and Francis, but everyone complains about him).

There's a lot of stuff about working on the case, and the stuff he's found out that his 'boss' didn't bother telling him. It's like they just threw him out into the dark and expected him to get the job done as soon as he saw my face at the airport. As if! Arthur's way smarter than that!

But then, Carriedo did say that Arthur's record was perfect before now.

He'd always gotten the job done.

Then there was the bit when he stopped calling me 'Jones' and started using my name. God that had been the light in the shittiest of days, just after we'd gotten away from Wang's building.

And that was when Arthur had gotten warmer. He was still as tense as ever, sure, but it was like he actually wanted me around him, not just because he needed to get close to me to do his job.

He called me 'idealistic' a lot. And then said that he used to be the same. Dammit! I still don't get it! Why did the sudden change between Arthur Kirkland the awesome journalist and Arthur the assassin happen?

And what's wrong with having some idealism?

And in amongst all of this I have found something.

In with all the other crap Arthur was battling with, he'd realised the same thing I had about him, about me. And even though it confused the hell out of him, he didn't fight it. And I'm glad.


I had been sitting next to Arthur's bed at the time.

There was a slight jump in the heart rate monitor and then suddenly, as if out of nowhere, the most welcome sound I'd heard in the last few, antagonising days came from the bed.

Arthur took a deep breath in and out again, and his eyes cracked open.

The usually bright green was dulled at first, the haze of his unconscious mind still in effect, before he blinked and was wide awake.

I felt my heart skip a beat and the grin spread across my face. He was awake. Arthur was awake. He was okay.

And in amongst all this I didn't register the panic on Arthur's face as he realised he was in an unknown environment and bolted upright.

"Alfred?" He shouted, not registering me next to him. Arthur threw back the covers, ready to jump off the bed, if he had not been connected to the IV. "Shit!"

"Arthur, relax!" I pulled him back onto the bed, forcing him under the covers. "I'm right here! You're in the hospital; you need to take it easy!"

He carried on struggling against me for a few moments before he recognised my voice, and stopped.

Suddenly bright green eyes were looking up at me, their usual awesome dazzle back at a hundred per cent, even if the rest of his expression looked like a fish.

"I'll go get the nurse." I stood back up, after making absolutely sure that he wasn't gonna try and fly off the bed again, circling the small room towards the door before I felt the tug on my jacket.


I turned back around, seeing Arthur's worried face. "You've been out for days, man! They need to know that you finally came 'round."

He huffed, leaning back on his pillows, eyebrows furrowing. "I can handle it. The last thing I need is prissy nurses fussing over me." He looked at me, and for once I didn't see the front of the unemotional Brit. I saw that slight worry in his eyes. The look that told me that he really didn't want to see anyone else right then.

I sighed, letting the smile slip back onto my face. "Alright." I sat on the edge of the bed (a little too hard because Arthur winced), placing my hand over his. "I won't go anywhere, don't worry."

Arthur blushed, pulling his hand away. "A-as if I'd worry about that!" He stuttered, though the relief still showed on his face.

His face was slightly too pale, still not having recovered properly from all the blood-loss. It was kinda worrying, but I guess that's what happens when you're out for days on end and not being able to eat. (The nurses wouldn't let me bring anything like burgers into the ward. I think they want me to starve too. Arthur always did poke at me for eating them all the time, but what can I say? They're awesome!)

We just sat there for a little while. Arthur leaning against the pillows and looking like a ghost, and me sort of unconsciously with my arm around his waist so that he was pulled lightly against me.

It was nice, I guess. Quiet, and maybe a bit awkward, but yeah, it was nice.

At some point a nurse did pop her head around the door, the relief of finally seeing Arthur awake flooding over her face as she dashed off to find the doctor in charge.

Arthur grumbled as they carried out all the tests. I couldn't help but smile while they listened to his pulse and checked over his wound, wrapping it in new bandages and saying about a million things to him about how he should look after it and not overexert himself or it'd start bleeding again. And, of course, Arthur just glared at them and told them he knew it all already (which I think kinda surprised them, but they didn't ask questions). He ended up just rolling his eyes over at me, looking exasperated. I just shrugged, glad to see him acting himself again.


The cops were around the next day asking questions. Trying their hardest to get whatever they could out of Arthur and me. The same questions they had been asking me for days were now being directed at the man who had just woken up from a fucking coma. Jesus, they had no freaking decency!

"Will you bloody well get out!" Arthur snapped, his reserve totally leaving him. "I'm tired and have had just about enough of your pathetic excuse of an interrogation."

"Sir, if you would just listen and understand-" The officer tried to speak, only to be cut off by Arthur's death glare.

"I don't need to listen. I already understand the situation." He stared at the policeman, as if daring him to try and talk again. "I understand that you want to carry out your investigation. However, there is little point. It would be an impossible mission for your abysmal force to attempt to carry out."

"You've said that, sir, but I don't fully understand what you mean." The officer sighed, his patience with Arthur growing ever thinner. "Did you know the man who shot you? Who was he to you?"

Arthur didn't answer, just continuing to glare at the man in front of him. He did however, without the cop noticing, move his hand to the side to touch my fingers on the arm of the chair he was sitting on.

"Sir, if you don't answer then I am going to have to assume the worst." The officer sighed, tucking away his notepad and retrieving his hat from the side table where he'd left it. "And if that means taking you down to the station when you're well enough to leave the hospital, then that's what I'll do."

Arthur twitched, not visibly, but I felt it. His eyes widened slightly but he didn't break eye contact with the man now standing in front of the door.

"Do you understand, sir? If we find that you had anything to do with this event, then you will also be suffering from the consequences of any actions that you may have made."

Arthur made to speak, but decided against it, frowning to himself instead.

"I can vouch for Mr Kirkland." I recognised the voice even before the man entered the room. The policeman jumped, not expecting the sudden appearance of my editor, but even as Mr Beilschmidt entered the ward his face was stock straight, showing the utmost professionalism and seriousness.

"You can, sir?" The policeman now turned to my boss, the shock still a little bit visible on his face.

"I wouldn't say that I could unless it was true." The German said, narrowing his gaze on the cop slightly. "This man works for me, he has done nothing wrong. He was shot by a man whom I had also believed to be working under my photography department, but was, in actuality, a spy, working to kill members of my company. I will give you more information if needs be. I understand that you wish to speak more with my employees, but can it wait until Mr Kirkland is in a better condition. It is my understanding that he only woke up yesterday. Is that right, Alfred?"

I started, not expecting to be addressed so bluntly. "Uh, yeah. He did." I stuttered, nodding at Beilschmidt.

"You see?" He returned the gesture to me, turning back to the officer. "I will join you in a few minutes. For now I wish to see if my reporter is recovering enough for him to return to work soon."

"Uh, yes, of course." The officer nodded shortly, turning to face the door. "I will wait for you outside then, Mr…?"

"Albert Beilschmidt." He answered, "And yes, I will be with you shortly."

When the door clicked the editor turned back to us, his expression still unchanging, but seemed to be boring down on Arthur, who was trying his best to glare straight back at him.

"So," Beilschmidt started, circling the bed to perch in the rooms other chair, "you were working for Vargas all this time."

This time Arthur more or less shuddered. Flinching visibly at the mention of the Italian, no longer holding the gaze of Beilschmidt.

"There's no need to shy away from the facts. I had in fact known for some time who you were. Julius Vargas works in many different ways, and I am certain that I know most of them. He is a careless man. I learnt that many years ago." The editor's expression was stony, a hell of a lot stiffer than it had been when he'd been speaking to the policeman. "He is a very tempting and manipulative man. It is how he became as powerful as he is today. But he does have his weaknesses. One is his grandchildren, which, as the both of you know, is a weakness my family has exploited when Feliciano came to meet Ludwig. Julius is strong, but in no means stable. While other people rely on him to get a dirty job done, he can no longer carry out those jobs himself. He cannot face them. He is scared."

In the silence that followed I could only stare at the editor. I'd always known that he knew Vargas, but this was getting way too close to an area that I didn't really want to know about. It was only Arthur breathing out a low laugh that brought us out of our thoughts.

"Vargas? Scared?" Arthur's grip on the arms of the chair tightened as he repositioned himself, "That's something I highly doubt."

The two of them were glaring at each other, Arthur's look one of spite, but Beilschmidt just looked tired.

"You do not know Julius as I do."

Arthur stopped whatever he was going to say next and simply stared at the man he'd been pretending to work for in the past few weeks.

"And I do not regret knowing him." Beilschmidt stood, crossing to the room's small window. "He is a brilliant man, and if not for him, then I would not be where I am today." He shifted so that his long hair fell back over his shoulders, covering the back of his blazer jacket. "Our relationship is not one of hate, as everyone thinks. We simply became tired of one another. We were unable to deal with our difference in opinions any longer. My only wish would be that he realises just how stupid his ideals are."

"That man has no ideals." Arthur spat out, the venom in his voice sounding way too dangerous for a man who was in hospital recovering from his injury. "He just wants to be able to conquer any force that threatens him. You of all people should know that."

"He was not always the way he is today. Indeed, I believe the way he acts now to just be an act. The fact that he sees me as a threat is because I knew him before he became the way you know him to be." Beilschmidt turned back to face Arthur. He looked tired, and for once somewhat close to his age (seriously, how can a grandfather look so young?).

"Please understand," he strode back over to the door, "I only investigate Julius because I worry for what dealings he may be getting involved with. This time we have inadvertently crossed paths due to the newspaper's investigations elsewhere. However, I refuse to see my employees shot down like rats by his men. But be rest assured, I will not be reporting you. You're a valuable journalist, Kirkland. You just need to rediscover yourself. Now, if you would excuse me."

And with that, the editor left again, sweeping out the door without another word.

I felt Arthur relax beside me, letting out a breath that I didn't realise he'd been holding. He ran his hand through his already messy hair, pulling on the hospital gown he was wearing with the other.

"Do you want me to get the nurse?" I put a hand on his shoulder, being careful not to hurt him.

"No." He sighed, looking up at me. "No, it's okay. I'm fine."

We stayed like that for a while, Arthur seemingly lost in his own thoughts while I couldn't do anything to try and help him.

I'm not sure how long we were like that for, Arthur thinking and me just standing there. A nurse did come in at some point to drop in Arthur's food, but he just dismissed it, much to the nurse's annoyance and she still insisted on leaving it on the table.

"Maybe I should go." I finally decided, standing up properly, and for the second time I felt that pull on my sleeve as I made to leave the room. "Arthur?"

"Stay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel awkward." A dust of pink had scattered over his cheeks, and I couldn't help but think he looked cute. "I just… I just needed to think things over for myself. I need to try and figure some things out before I'm discharged. I never thought that I would have to question myself again like this."

"Is there anything you need me to do?" He looked older than I had even seen him. Way older than he should've looked.

Arthur's blush deepened, reaching his ears as he looked away from me again. "Just… stay here. Only for a bit longer. I need someone here right now."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. It was in these little moments that I realised just how bad I had it for him, even despite his bad attitude. I crouched down, gently pulling him closer and kissed the top of his head (even though he did grumble something about me being a "complete and utter git"). "Okay."


It was another week before they finally discharged Arthur, telling him to come in for check-ups every two weeks despite his complaints.

Because of the police searching everything he couldn't go back to his hotel, so he was staying with me. As if I'd let him go back there even if he could. All of Vargas's henchmen know where he was staying. There's no way in hell that I'd give them another chance of getting to Arthur. Under the circumstances, I don't think I'll be letting him out of my sight for the foreseeable future.

The editor called us in for a meeting as soon as Arthur was well enough to come back into the office. And if I was feeling awkward then I can't imagine how Arthur was feeling when we walked through the editing floor.

Everyone was staring at him. And even though I do understand why, after all, they all know he was working for Vargas now, I just wish that they'd leave him alone. He's got nothing to do with Vargas anymore. End of. But that didn't stop Arthur from trying to hide his face as we walked past the desks towards the editor's office.

What I didn't expect when we did enter Beilschmidt's office, was the group of people huddled inside.

Of course Gilbert would be there, being the boss's grandson and all, but the rest of them, Roderich, Elizabeta, Vash and Francis, I don't know why they were all there. Francis looked oddly serious for once; any signs of his usual perverted self completely lost.

"Ah, good." The editor said, looking up from his papers as we entered the room. "Now we can begin."

"You can explain why you've gathered us all here then." Vash grumbled shortly from where he was leaning on the wall. "We have enough work to do as it is."

Roderich gave a curt nod in agreement, not moving his eyes from the editor. Elizabeta, on the other hand, walked straight up to Arthur, a small smile on her face as she stood in front of the two of us. "It's good to see you have recovered." And then the smile was gone and she slapped Arthur hard. "And that was for deceiving us all this time."

The whole room had fallen silent of any complaints as Arthur stood there looking more shocked than the rest of us put together (Beilschmidt still looked utterly bleak).

Arthur raised his hand to his face, touching where he'd been hit before his lips quirked up slightly and a look of relief flooded his features. He met Elizabeta's glare, doing his very best to look like his usual professional self, "I apologise. To all of you." He took a breath, glancing round everyone there, "I truly am sorry for the trouble I have caused here."

I quickly squeezed his hand, hoping that the others didn't notice it, and was surprised to feel Arthur return the gesture, though he didn't break eye-contact with the rest of the group.

"Well I damn well hope so." Gilbert broke the silence, still glaring at Arthur, "'Cause I swear, if you'd gone after West, then I'd have-"

"Shut up, Gil! He wasn't after Ludwig, and you know that." Elizabeta snapped, her hand twitching in a way that said that she wanted to hit Gilbert next. "Anyway, as long as that's settled," she turned back to Arthur, smiling again, "welcome to the team."

I felt the grin spread across my face, nudging Arthur before Elizabeta dragged the two of us further into the office to sit opposite the editor with the rest of them.

"So, what is this all about, sir?" I asked, perching down on the arm of the chair Arthur was sitting in. "Carriedo's long gone, probably back to wherever Vargas is. And we've still got the other case to take care of."

"Indeed he has returned to Julius's side." Beilschmidt looked up from his work again, observing the other members in the room.

"How do you-" Gilbert started, turning to face his grandfather directly.

"I have my sources, Gilbert. You know this." Beilschmidt dismissed him, "I also know that they are not planning on sending anyone else to this office to carry out their task. I believe Wang Yao knows this and is currently making negotiations with Julius about the situation they have made for themselves. As you two know," he addressed me and Arthur, "Wang knows that Mr Kirkland has abandoned his job as he saw you two that day at his office. He is particularly vexed by this betrayal, no matter how beneficial it is for us."

"I don't understand what this has to do with us." Francis finally included himself, still looking tired and annoyed.

"It has everything to do with everyone in this room." The editor almost snapped, but held his patience. "Francis, you and Gilbert were the one's closest to Antonio Carriedo while he was here. Whether that is because he was trying to gain information from you or not, he still was not on his full guard while around the two of you, and therefore, you will know the most about him, save for maybe Mr Kirkland. The group of you are the ones that I can best rely on here, and so I must entrust this to all of you in order for it to succeed to my expectations."

"Sir?" I was used to him being as serious as fuck, but the editor wasn't usually one for cryptic messages and it wasn't as if I was the only one in the room looking confused.

"Roderich, I will be leaving my position to you while I am out of the office, as usual. Make sure that the newspaper does not become out of hand."

"Of course." Roderich nodded.

"Elizabeta, you are to assist him. You are the best at gathering outside information. We need to know everything that is going on."

"Alright." She adjusted her jacket, shuffling slightly closer to Roderich on the small couch.

"Vash, I am sure you know why I have asked for your presence here."

"Sir, I'm not convinced that this would be wise. Particularly if you wish to use firearms." Vash's frown deepened. "It's hard enough getting hold of them as it is."

"I appreciate that, but it is essential that we have some method of protection and I am positive that Mr Kirkland's own firearm was confiscated by the police when they carried out their investigation." He looked to Arthur, who nodded, his blatant frustration showing on his face. "Can you please at least look into the matter?"

"As you wish." Vash sighed, looking still more annoyed.

"Gilbert, I need you to find your brother and Feliciano." Beilscmidt turned to his grandson, his expression grave.

"Vati?" Gilbert stood, taken aback by the sudden request.

"They have been hidden for far too long. I think it's time that we let Julius meet with his lost grandson again."

He stood, circling the desk so that he stood directly in front of the group of us. "Alfred, you, Mr Kirkland, Francis, and I will be meeting with Julius, once Gilbert has found the other two. I have had enough of not knowing what that man is thinking. I happen to know that he is currently in the country to meet with Wang. Our best chance to meet with him would be now."

"But sir-!"

"Are you stupid?" Arthur suddenly spoke up, cutting across me. "The last person Vargas will want to see right now, is you. He has already lost his grandson to your family, and with me disappearing to also join your 'ranks', I highly doubt that any of our presences will be welcomed. Particularly if he is meeting with Wang Yao. That man has complete protection. We are unlikely to even be able to get close to his company."

I stared at him, knowing only too well that Arthur was thinking about that Russian, the one who had chased us from Wang's building before. He was right. Getting close to Vargas was going to be more than just difficult.

"I have already thought this through, Kirkland." Beilschmidt's expression stiffened as he addressed Arthur, "And believe it or not, I do have experience in these fields. One cannot know Julius Vargas and not pick up some tricks when having to deal with him. Surely you know this."

Arthur's lip curled and he glared at the editor, not wanting to admit that the man was right.

"As it happens, I am receiving information from inside Wang's company." He brushed Arthur's comments aside, striding around the room until he was facing the window. "It seems that Wang did not wish to rid himself of Kiku's company just yet, fortunately for us."

"Kiku?" I surprised even myself when I jumped up, hearing my friend's name. Arthur certainly hadn't expected the sudden movement of the chair when it shifted a foot to the side, but I ignored his surprised shout. "He's okay? He's still there?"

"Yes, yes." Beilschmidt seemed slightly amused, but it didn't show easily on his face. "He has been contacting me for some time now. It just has not been safe to relay the information to you until now. He will be able to get us inside." He paused, thinking for a few moments. "It seems… even despite what happened before; Wang still values his cousin's qualities. He has been kept safe."

"Thank God." I sighed, sitting back down. "So he's helping us get in."

"And then what?" Arthur cut in again, still frowning, "We just prance in and demand to see Vargas? I highly doubt that."

"Well, I was hoping for your assistance in that area." Beilschmidt turned back to Arthur, looking thoughtful. "You are, after all, an expert of stealth. We all should know that. Despite what you may believe, your reputation as a reporter is highly thought of. Many people missed you when your name disappeared from the papers, even over here in the States. And even back then, before you crossed paths with Julius, you knew how to find your target no matter what. I seem to recall reading countless stories by you, when you have been able to track down illegal activities even in the most remote and hidden of places. I am positive that tracking down Julius will not be a problem for you. After all, you have done it once before."

Arthur had taken to staring down at his hands, not knowing how to react to the editor's words. I could feel him shaking slightly beside me even after I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We don't have long to formulise a plan and I suggest that the sooner this all comes to pass, the better." Beilschmidt stepped back into the centre of the room, speaking to everyone. "You're all the best workers I have. I know that I can trust you all with this."

There were murmurs of agreement before Arthur abruptly stood, frowning at the editor, staying silent for what seemed like forever, and then he nodded, his thoughts seeming to fall in place, and he left the room, leaving me to say hurried goodbyes to the others before dashing after him.

[A/N: It's been too long!
My bad guys! I've just been super busy!
For those of you who follow my blog on LJ or on deviantART (however few of you there may be ^^;;) you'll already know this, but for everyone else, here's my completely valid excuse!
I've been in the run up for this year's assessments at University. I'm an Art Student, and to contradict popular opinions about Art Students, I'm extremely serious about my work.

So yeah, that kinda meant bye bye to my own personal artwork and fanfics while I got my work done TT^TT
I wanted to write for sooo long! I kept thinking about storylines and other crap while I've been unable to work and it's been killing me!
I've been annoying my twitter followers waaay too much by moaning about Uni work for the last couple of months, so thanks for sticking with me guys! I love you all!
I did, however, get back from my last lecture yesterday and sat down and started finishing this straight away! (It's been half done for ages!)

On another note: I'm kinda interested in looking for a beta at the moment if anyone's interested.
I've never had one before, so I'm not entirely sure how it all works, but I would like to have someone other than me check through my work to make sure it's all looking good ^^;;
Just note me somewhere if you're interested. Either here, LiveJournal, deviantART or even through twitter if needs be for contact with me. (LilFlowFlow on twitter)

Thanks again guys~!
Big love to you all! 333
(What Your Eyes Can't See will be updated asap!)]

fic: how did it come to this, fanfiction, axis powers: hetalia

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