A few items that have lightened my dark mood CONSIDERABLY:
3) Thanks go to
twisted_angel5 for me being totally in love with Susan Boyle's first single, a Stones cover of Wild Horses found
here at Perez Hilton's website, in its entirety! ♥♥♥♥
2) As brought to my attention by
lanna_kitty, the long-lost
SamandJack.Net is up and running!!!!! GAH! *flails* I have a new home for my Sam/Jack fics. Helio Adult is great, of course, but I've missed having an archive devoted only to my OTP. *smirk* An actual HOME! Without Twithole and her minion(s)!!!
and most importantly:
1) An event due to be held later this evening, possibly leading to a deeper understanding, better communication, and most importantly, the healing of two hurting hearts. *crosses fingers*