Idaho? No, Udaho

Apr 02, 2004 18:10

**whats the middle name of the first person you slept with?: D- like sleep? or like "sleep"? K- umm... what do you mean by sleep?

**What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?:
D- Black boy shorts. K- black and white bikini

**What is the song you want played at your funeral?
D- The Cure- Letters to Elise K- Gary Jules - Mad World or Elevator beat from the Vanilla Sky soundtrack

**What would your last meal be before getting executed?
D- brewed iced tea, red velvet cake K- Choclate molten lava cake, bottled coca cola, and lobster, and cuban bread...haha

**Beatles or Stones? D- Stones. K - Beatles

**If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? D- I would not decide K - no one

**What is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the preferred sex? D - arms and a nice mirada. K - SMILES. I am obsessed with dimples. And a nice mirada.

**Do you secretly hate some of your friendsters but are too nice to reject them? D - no. I never lead friends on. K- nope.

**If you could have any super power what would it be?
D- the ability to read people's minds
K - I would love to be able to to see my dreams like on a dvd... and be able to see others peoples too. That would be the coolest.

**Favorite Outkast lyric? D - ", drive, drive into a ditch,...just playin'" K- "Don't pull my thing out unless you plan to bang... Bombs over Bagdad."

**If you had to be blind or deaf? D- deaf K - omg.. deaf.

**Do you have any psychiatric problems?
D- social anxiety, general anxiety
K- panic disoreder

**Least favorite month? D- June, it's just like July but not. K- I hate August... I have no idea why.

**First movie you can remember seeing as a kid? D - Dracula K - Pinnochio

**Favorite person in the whole world? D - Johnny Depp lol. j/k they know. K - I dun wnat to put them on the spot... but I'm sure Brad would understand.

**When's the last time you went on a date?
D- a long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away....
K- like 6 months ago or more...

**Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?
D - dirty. I hate violence.
K - dirty.... they are always entertaining no matter how bad the acting is.

**Fall or spring? D- fall. Less sun. K- fall.. it is prettier.

**Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
D- that one person that day in Transylvannia
K- a good friend

**If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?
D - Melissa Etheridge...she's handsome.
K - someone with HUGE titties. haha. I dunno... your momma.

**Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?
D - North Carolina throw ya hands up! Take your shirt off, spin it round your head like a helicopter!
K - New York... because it is so me!

**Who is the person you can count on most?
D- mom, dad, sister, Krystal and Alex.. haha j/k about Alex.
K- my gramms, my dad, pipo, bunny, Diana, Clary, my Mom.. haha j/k about my Mom!

**If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factor? D- Robert Smith or Johnny Depp K- Jake Gyllenhal or the lead singer of 311

**What books have you pretended you've read?
D- Across five Aprils K- same our 9th grade honors English class

**What's a word you would use to describe your life?
D- Weird but organized
K- Bizarre

**What did you dream last night?
D- I don't remember
K I don't remember but guess who was in it????

last cigarette: D- John L.'s B day party. K- Jamaican Valentine Night
last kiss: D- This could be awkward but I'm not gonna let it be.... K- piel canela..hah.
last good cry: D- last semester the week of finals K- Oprah?! lol. I dun remember.
last movie seen: D- Secret Window K- Big Fish.. again.
last book read: D - Founrtainhead.. still not done. K - The Sun also rises
last cuss word uttered: D - Fuck. My fav. K - I also love fuck. :)
last beverage drank: D - water. K - Coca Cola
last food consumed: D - Picadilli K- same
last crush: D - I do remember but it would be awkward. high school. K - Jessi's boy...haha.
last phone call: D - Monica. K - Adam Leisy.
last tv show watched: D - I dun have tv anymore. K - The View
last time showered: D - this morning K - two hours ago.
last shoes worn: D - my beige sandals K - adidas
last cd played: D- Le Tigre K - Kanye West The College Dropout
last item bought: D- food. K - same.
last downloaded: D- Bob Marley - Pass the Dutchie K - I dunno.
last annoyance: D - math and critical thinking. K- Bunny
last disappointment: D - Krystal won't go to a show with me. She wnats to go to Quench and dance 9200 songs tonight. K- I dunno.
last thing written: D- my math test K - Campus Invasion Tour story
last word spoken: D - spoken K- test.
last instant message: D - susie. K - John Love.
last time amused: D - by my teacher K - when i was drunk at the AH party... haha. And I knocked on the the wrong door.
last time in love: D- a long time ago... in a galaxy far far away. K- Mario.
last time hugged: D- my math j/k K- John Lovell
last time scolded: D- Mommy. K- Mami.
last chair sat in: D- Krystal's bed K - this office chair.
last bra worn: D - a pink bra K- a lacy black one... ohlala.
last shirt worn: D- dude, some green one. K- Itchy and Scratchy shirt.
last time dancing: D- this morning while dressing K- AH party.
last poster looked at: D- my sleeping beauty one. K - you suck and it's sad poster... fuckign happy bunny is everywhere.
last show attended: D- Coheed and Thursday. K- Blondie

Well thanks Nicole.

This survey makes me sad inside. bleck.

Tonight... I want to dance.

I'm not a player I just crush a lot
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