Friends Only.. (revised)

Jun 04, 2027 20:37

Read, so you all know.

I log I.P.Addresses.

I have been across a few fakers, which hurt like hell. I got close, and found out they weren't who they said.

Therefor, I've decided I really don't want anyone to read anything of my journal besides the few things i left. So, If you want into my secret private thoughts, please add me (as noone but listed friends can comment) and I shall look into adding you. (I'll have to read a few of your entries and look at your Bio to decide if I want to friend you.) Please Read the Rules on the info page.

If I have used anything that is yours, please let me know and I shall give you credit for it. Alot of times I find things in stolen Icon communities and I just -HAVE- to have it.

Janee / lilfaeriegirl

Important Information!
Please take the time to read carefully.

Upon Adding me to your friends list, please observe the following.

1. This is for me to bitch, moan and complain about my life. This is not for you to come in and tell me how to live my life.
2. You may find me posting more than twice a day.
I may just fill your friends page up.
Deal with it or take me off your friends list.
3. You definitely will find me depressed sometimes.
This is normal for anyone to have their high and low points.
So FUCK YOU if you call me emo. I am not fucking emo, cuntface.
I do however have a special filter for these said rants. If you wish to be placed on the Filter, Comment here.
4. You shall be subjected to hearing lots about my husband.
5. You might see funny quotes from MUDS.
They are put behind a cut usually, and most likely will have the "elemud" icon above it.
You don't have to read these unless you want to.
6. You will see me post several things i find funny.
7. My Journal is rated NC17. Which means i say Fuck Alot.
If you feel you are mature enough to read the content of my journal, add me and I'll see about adding you back.
8. If i don't know you really well, there is a chance I won't add you.
Don't think I hate you, I might not.. There is just several things i write about
that I don't want strangers knowing about me.
9. Don't Flame me. You will be removed. Don't flame my friends via my journal.
If you have a problem with them, go do it on their journal.
10. Don't steal my graphics, my pictures or pictures of my friends.
If you want something, let me know.
11. I can get moody, bitchy and opinionated.
If you don't like me, I'm not forcing you to read my journal, now am I?
12. If/When I have a job, I usually love it.
This does mean, of course, that I'll say I dont.
Don't listen to me. I just like to rant.
13. I post alot of pictures.
14. If I find myself skimming past your posts on LJ, there's a chance you could get removed.
15. Don't add me if you're one of those emo kids who likes cutting themselves and posting pictures. I'm depressed enough as it is and reading that shit make it worse.
If you dont like this, Take me off your friends list.
Thankee and have a magical day.

I had a cesarean.
I spent 2 days in full labor, and only got to 5.
8lbs 12 oz and 22 inches long.
I bottle-feed, but I breastfed for the first month, and then pumped for 2 months.
It just wasn't for us, she never fully took to breast, and I had surgery a month after she was born. I didn't want her to get any of the meds I was on, so I went for bottle for a few days. She was hooked.
I was also cracked, bruised and very sore. I tried everything, she just wouldn't latch.
I had a cesarean.
10lbs 10 oz and 22 inches long.
She had an Air pocket in her chest and was under an oxygen hood in NICU for 3 days.
I breastfed for 4 months, then she was pulling away from my breast screaming every time it was time to feed, so I moved to bottle.
Breastfeeding her was so much easier!!

I use 'sposies, my oldest is potty trained.
I immunize my children on time.
I don't separate their clothes in the wash.
I don't use organic.
I use both a walker, and an exersaucer.
I sometimes use T.V. too much for them, hey.. I need to do things around the house.
I am going to put her on a sippie cup, the silicone kind, for juice at about 10-11 months.
I'm working on getting Ayla off a sippie cup.
I spank.
I sometimes co-sleep, Dr. Sears recommends it for bonding.
Ayla sleeps in her own room now, in her own bed.
I use pacifiers.
I got Ayla's ears pierced at 8 months, ember's at 5 months.
Don't fucking put your dirty hands anywhere near my childs mouth.
I have a difficult child, and am working with psycologists, psychiatrists and doctors to get her the help she needs.
Baby Leashes = Love.
I am pro-life. If you lay down and create your child, you better step up and take care of your responsibility.
I have.

Don't like it?
Don't read my journal.

If you add me and don't put who you are, or how you found me, or why you want added. You wont be added.

First written in 2004, revised on 6-27-07 then again on 3-20-11

friends only

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