Aug 27, 2007 23:52
so yes now I re-remember that I have an lj I thought I should update! So first off all family drama sucks ass. Ever since my Nonie died in september, my "Uncle" Mike has been acting up especially around my siblings and I. For example when we all went camping up in Sequoia, after a really hard week(my sister and I were having severe allergies to the point that I actually threw up, and we all were pretty sick) so yeah we were all sitting at the craft shack on a bench while my mom and aunt were talking and taking pictures. So my mom decides "lets take pictures of the kids" and so as ritual demands my siblings and I gave her a difficult time about pictures and since we really were feeling sick we really didnt want to move. So as our arguement proceeds my uncle who is standing behind us yells at us! Telling us that we're all brats who do nothing but whine and complain and that we need to grow up...I know WTF?! so not only does he say this to us he yells it at us in front of my cousins/his kids and several other people hanging out at the craft shack. So my brother looked pissed like he was gonna do something so my sister told mike to "kiss the back if her head" and he had the balls to say "thie kissing needs to be done by someone else" and then like the pussy he is he stormed off! Can you say 3yr old having a tantrum? anyhow so later that week once we had been home for a few days I waited till mike was alone and I asked him if I could talk to him later in prive. And what do you think he did? thats right he said sure and then proceeded to avoid me for the rest of the night. Sadly this cowardly behavior continued for another 2 weeks befor he finally said he had time, which of course was while I was cooking with my aunt. So I took him aside and told him I wanted to discuss what happened when we went camping. And the man actually rolled his eyes and got all huffy!! So I basically laied it out for him that I really didnt appreciate the situation being handled the way it was especially trying to embarras us in front of other people and using his children as a buffer, I mean seriously how inappropriate and awkward for my cousins and us. I also told him that we're adults and as thus he should pull us aside in private and voice any complaint directly to us since we probably dont know we're irritating him and that like wise I would pull him aside in private and tell him he's bothering me. I mean you cant expect someone to know they're bothering you unless you tell them right? then no one is to blame but them if they continue to do whats bothering you. Maike said that he "thought it was funny that the person he wasnt upset with and who he wasnt even talking to during the 'fight' was the one coming to talk to him about it" and I told him straight up that either was whether it was directed at me or not, that I was offended and that the behavior was immature. so yeah basically a lot of things were said and I never once stepped out of lineI kept to the basic idea of respect and propper behavior and he went off topic and said stupid things like "well I have the tendency to bottle things up inside and then explode, I did it to your nonie too" so as you can imagine by the end of the discussion I'm mildly confused and very upset since not only did he not take me seriously he refused to acknowledge me as an adult! Ever since then he's avoided being around me and he borders on being flat out rude. I mean he wasnt even going to say goodbye to me at his son's birthday party! I've never sincerely hate anyone this much since henderson...I think I might even hate him more I mean at least henderson kept her conflict with me, but to bring conflict and discord into my family and to hurt them with it is unforgivable to me. And now this week since he's been so obvious about his avoidance of my siblings and I my aunt(his wife) caught on and asked my brother to apologize for being disrespectful to my uncle over the weekend when they were moving stuff and his goodbye wasnt sincere <.< I'm so frustrated I could cry because now I have to go home talk it over with my immediate family and then proceed to talk it over with my aunt and uncle because family shouldnt be like this, family shoudnt have to fight over a few people not getting along.