can change happen overnight

Oct 10, 2009 03:55

Im going to make this short and right to the point.

so much has happened between my updates here and me living life, so this might not make any sense to yall when I say, I realized I have just changed overnight.

Everything that once mattered to me and that I once cared about, I dont feel for anymore. All of a sudden I feel much better about myself. I mean I use to spend so much time in trying to get people to like me, when the key is I didn't even like myself.

I am now working on me, I realized all the time I wasted so much time on trying to get family and people, so called friends to accept me, when I really could of been spending me time on doing me for me, going to school, working out and keeping up my body, I missed out on myself, I never had self love until now. it was just so sad, spending time on trying to earn peoples love when they could ever really care less about me as a human being.

this might be the last time post, I mean I have a whole new attitude towards life, my family, and people now, that includes writing in this journal.

I now can careless who like me or who does not, im a new person now, I don't know what triggered this change, maybe its maturity, or maybe its just life lessons that taught me.

I let alot of people know how I feel now, and I have some people angry with me, I told them why Im cutting them off, and these are so called friends and family members im talking about here, im just tired of fakes, I dont need no one to hold me back to what I want to accomplish in life and you guys reading probably thinking im mean, if only yall knew what I go through ith these people.

I wish I could've better prepared this entry, but im just tying what comes to mind.

thank you to all you loyal readers out there that made my stay at livejournal a experience, and to the loyal commenters, I really did appreciate you guys.

I cant say rather this would be my last update here or not, but it will be for a long time. I need to move on and start a new chapter in my life with new characters.

Ps anyone who would like to no more about why I feel the way I do, leave a comment.

j.holliday it is yours

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