You know. This is fucking bullshit.
I should not be harassed and hunted down for things I do to MY character. So what, I changed my character from white to asian. Considering the room and roleplay is based around anything asian.. wouldn't it be more prudent to have my character, who is also a giesha, to have an asian face on her avatars? Need I state again that makayla is MY CHARACTER?
I should not need an explination as to why my character changed looks and races. I am not going to make her wake up one day and *poof*.. she's asian. That's dumb. I am not going to blame it on some "koi spirit" either. Do I care how my chars race change effects your characters? Nope. Learn to adapt to change, bucko.
I am changing MY character for the better and if that means I have to change entire races to make my character better - so be it. How many giesha have you seen that are white? -waits for an answer-
Yeah. That's what I thought.
My character. My choice on what to do with her. Don't like it? Too bad. Until the room controller says something to me about it, which I doubt will happen considering she's helping me find images for my avatars, I'm keeping things the way they are.