Oh my, what a week!

Aug 02, 2007 20:44

My father, god bless him, survived his operation, which turned out to be a triple by pass. He had four aneurysms! A few more than we had expected.

He is recovering fairly well with minor complications. He managed to escape from the hospital yesterday afternoon and is not coping all that well with 'doing nothing'. In fact, today I caught him sweeping the floor! Then he wonders why he is crippled over in pain!

His scar is rather impressive - 45 rather large staples from his heart to his groin. He had some bleeding in the night which terrified him. He thought his time had come! After much panicking (from him and my mother) I managed to calm them down and sort it out.

So, it looks like I could be here for another week or so. We are expecting home help but have not heard anything yet. I'm not impressed - there is no way he could manage without me.

I miss you Hoochie!
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