Gabe is here!

Feb 06, 2012 23:09

This is a week overdue!

Went in for induction on Monday (jan 30th) at about 1pm. Started pictocin around 3pmish and was 8 cm by 6:45 when they checked. The nurse then started prepping everything as she figured I was going to be ready to push soon.

She was right.. I was.. TOO SOON lol!

2 min later I was 10cm, laying on the bed trying to get through a very painful contraction when all of a sudden baby was crowning. Doc wasn't even in the room, they had nothing set up (as she had JUST started pulling stuff out and setting up) and after 3 pushes (nurse was holding baby's head in at one point) doc came rushing in and and baby just came out lol. I had no idea what was going on because it all happened so fast. I opened my eyes and when I realized I had delivered I opened them and there was 10 people in the room lol.

I didn't even realize the baby was crowning! All I remember was laying there trying to get through a contraction and then screaming out in pain and my back arched up and I couldn't help but start pushing really hard. I kinda blacked out at that point as I wasn't even in a pushing position nothing.. it just.. happened!

Very fast delivery and everything is great! I actually felt great after it was all over. NO TEARING THIS TIME WOOOT! I wasn't groggy, I could walk, I've been go go all week (mind you I have a 1 year old that just learned to walk as well as Gabe) and I feel fine. Bleeding is also at a minimum already I am just so happy! I am getting run down from lack of sleep, but that's normal at first anyways.

So all in all I will say I had more trouble delivering my placenta then I did this baby lol. Hard to believe it happened so fast!

I almost forgot to mention.. THIS WAS PAINMED FREE!!! *does a victory dance*

Gabe is healthy was 7lbs 3oz, and 20inches long! He's doing great and has already gained 5 oz (went down 3 and no is at 7lb 5oz) We had a little temp scare with him in postpartum where his temp dropped to 95 and they had to take him and put him under the lamps since I couldn't get it back up via Skin on skin. Other then that he's doing great, and eating like a champ!

We couldn't get a latch but a few times in the hospital, (these damn flat nipples of mine!) BUT.... the good news is I have SOOOO Much milk he hasn't had a drop of formula since Thursday! I am SOO happy! I had a SUPER hard time with DS#1 and pumping, my supply went up and down, and I was happy to be able to give him 80% BM, and 20% supplemented formula for most of the time, we had a few weeks were he got 100% BM, etc. Not this time, as of today I am pumping 6 oz a session. I have so much milk I am now giving the extra's to my 1 year old (whom.. had my milk not dried up in the first place would STILL be getting breast milk anyways)

So on to the pictures!

(not happy with this pic compared to DS#1's of me and him, but Gabe just wouldn't cooperate and this was the best we could do)

TLDR: I had this baby in about 3 pushes, no tearing, fast recovery, healthy baby, Milk came in and I have tons! Woot!
 PS sorry if there are many typos.. trying to multitask right now!

gabe, life, baby

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