So it's finally happened.. I think.

May 28, 2010 22:34

Now of course I won't get the okay until next thrusday when I have my first doc appointment. But I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am!
I took the test really on a whim because I was really late. My last period was last month around the 15th or so. So I really knew something was up. Honestly I just figured I was late again as it's normal for me to be a little late because my period is stupid.

Oddly enough when I took the 2nd test, I felt like I had a full bladder, and it turned out to be a small tinkle, and it still came out positive so I guess that really means I am pregnant right?! =p

As some know I am on vacation and pretty much all I've done is sleep. Like 12 or more hours a day. I go to bed early nearly everynight (sept once so far) and sleep easlily into the next day late with everyone else who stayed up late the night before. I find myself napping all day. I couldn't understand. Infact I just woke up from a 4 hour nap lol. And I prob could lay down and sleep for the night.

Anyways know you guys know. I am still keeping it on the DL for most of my friends on facebook. But I had to post about it somewhere. Chris thinks i'm getting ahead of myself. and I probably am. I shouldn't really of told anyone til I had the official Okay from the doc.

Anywho gunna talk about some more stuff, feel free to skip it as you've gotten the jist of what I was going to tell you guys. =D

So.. the scary stuff first.
I am bleeding. But everything I read says it's normal. It's not alot, I mean I don't even have to wear a panty liner. I just notice a little pinksh when i go potty when I wipe. When I first noticed it I freaked out. It's like the type of blood when I know I'm going to get my period, which did happen a few weeks ago. And then It just never came, which lead up to me taking the test in the first place. I dunno it's scary. But I guess I am calmed down about it a bit. Everything I read/hear from friends say that I shouldn't worrie unless I have BAD cramps and LOTS of blood, like what  normal period would be (which for me means ALOT a heavy flow) so I'm not going to worry from a little bit of pink. =p At least I'm trying not to.

So... they say you will pee more etc, but .. I haven't been peeing more. But you better believe I can tell if I gotta take a shit =p I can feel EVERYTHING now. And oh god the gas! lolololol =p I told my hubby last night "baby you think I'm gassy now, just wait!" lol

So far I haven't had much problems with my breasts. Yesterday at one point I had to take my bra off because my nipples hurt so bad. But now everything seems to be fine. I am not noticing any big scary blue veins yet which I've read you can expect about now. I haven't been hungry either. I actually have had to eat just for the sake of eating. I mean.. I guess my appeitie comes and goes. Yesterday I wasn't "hungry" at all, until I ate a salad. Maybe it was the ranch that sparked something because as soon as I took that first bite of salad after I dipped my fork into the ranch my stomach went crazy with hunger. And then I ended up over-eating lol. Oh well. Today I didn't have much of an appitite either, but I have eaten. I picked up a ton of fruit today to snack on.

No real morning sickness yet. And please oh god I hope I don't get any. Because I HATE Puking. HATE IT HATE HATE HATEEE!!! Oh well. If it happens I guess it just comes with everything and I'll have to deal. I have gotten "sick" from somethings so far. Today I ate a blueberry muffin and felt super queasy after I ate it, but thank god no puking just yet.

I've already started taking my prenatals too. And started drinking lots of water. I have been bad, I'm actually very upset withmyself. I have been super unhealthy for the past 2 months or so. I started drinking soda again, not eating right. This probably the worst time for me to get pregnant. I would have prepared my body ALOT better. But I hope I can make up for it now.

I am trying super hard to completely cut out High Fructose Corn syrup. And processed foods. It's going to be hard, but defiantly worth it! Although I did buy some cheese spread today that's prob bad.. but damn it it's soo good! I am trying to replace most potatos that I eat with a sweet potatoe too, but I was already trying to do that before because I found out how healthy sweet potatoes are. =D Good thing I actually like them. I mean I like to mash em with a little tab of butter, but still delish!

But yeah if anyone has any tips of how I can avoid these things please let me know!

One of the things I am going to be so sad to give up is sushi. I eat it nearly once a week, and it's my fav thing to eat when we go out on the weekends. Although i should be super happy that the place we get it at makes AMAZING chinese food too. And they have the best, freshest veggies/meat in all their food. So I don't have to worry about eating anything super bad. I can easily get some steamed veggies with chicken with a little white rice and be set!

I've only known for 2 days so far, and I think I'm getting ahead of myself. I dunno. What do you guys think? Think I am jumping the gun a bit? lol Maybe I am just so happy. I can't wait for my doc appointment!

Good thing is though both our parents are so happy! My mom was like "about time!" and chris's mom was like "you know mary is a good name!" lol

oh and Ps is it sad we already have names picked out? =p

Changing this to public now that pretty much everyone I know, knows =D

life, baby, chris

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