May 18, 2005 23:59
Wednesday…Well, I was supposed to start getting pictures taken with the children (it’s part of my going away gift) at breakfast, but that wasn’t possible. So, I sat and chatted with the ladies while we served breakfast. Afterwards, two of my English students came for a private lesson b/c they missed Tuesday’s lesson. That went well and then I went back to the kitchen to see what I could do to help. They had everything under control, so I just sat and talked to them. The ladies are really doing a great job with their English, and I’m so happy that they’ve now got the confidence that they need to practice it. I had to eat lunch rather quickly b/c we had 83 pictures to take in one hour! Well, we got 67 taken in that hour, anyway. The other children weren’t there, so I obviously couldn’t take a picture with a child that wasn’t there! Mitch taught the ladies and their lesson was short, so we had to cut the children’s lesson down too. We played a game with them where they had to pick up little squares of paper (one at a time), with a spoon (they couldn’t use their other hand at all) and then carry it back and drop it in their circle. If the paper fell off on the way, it didn’t count. It was a lot of fun! The kids really loved it! Then, we reviewed two Bible verses. We were just getting to the teaching when the Mamas got done. So, we passed out coloring sheets with the Bible verse on it, and that was it. Wednesdays seem to fly-by so quickly somehow. So, Wednesday night I was a basket case b/c I had to figure out a way to write my testimony in Swahili. Okay, so I can speak Swahili but writing a testimony with proper grammar is a whole different story. I got something down on paper and prayed that God would inspire it overnight so that it would make sense.