Ahh yeaahh! Its that time again ladies and gentlemen....drumroll please.....EXAMS!! Soo they started out great today with my favorite, Trig. Oh yes it was a wonderful time staring a 41 questions having not even a good ol' educated guess. I just hope i got at least a 36%. Thats all i need. After school Jake and i studied for History for like 3 hours. That was something i hope to forget real soon. we were both so ADD and had the weirdest thoughts. Now i sit here studying for chem-misery.
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y238/lilelvisfreak6/chembooks.jpg who really needs to know the chemical formula for baking soda anyways?? Not me!
Well good luck to all this week....
ohh by the way you wont be getting updated fishing pictures anytime soon unless i actually go somewhere besides my backyard. (theres nothing like standing knee deep in muddy water and looking over after catching a blue gill to see a gator some feet away...)
Until next time... (hopefully summer time!!)