Sep 07, 2005 21:10
So now my sister knows....Colin (her b/f) saw my new bumper stickers (one says "If god didn't make homosexuals, there wouldn't be any" the other says "I feel pretty and witty and GAY") so after he saw them i guess he apparently asked Teegan if I was gay and when I went to pick her up from work today she said "Colin wants to know if you're gay" so I told her I was bi....I mean I'm pretty sure I am gay, but she's the one person in this world that i don't feel comfortable coming out to and i therefore just didn't want to tell her I was flat out gay....then she asked if that meant i wasn't gonna marry a boy and i was like well maybe and she was upset cuz then she wouldn't have nieces or nephews, i told her that either way there's always adoption and artificial insemination....but sjhe said she was okay with I'm hoping she really is....cuz even if i say i hate her all the time, and her mental issues annoy me so god damn much she is still my sister and i don't actually hate her, so i wouldn't want her to hate me either...