I Don't Know Which One Is Better

Mar 26, 2007 21:38

What a day! Yes it was indeed a crazy day.  It was the day of my interview at East Lake.  Basically I freaked out the whole morning about what to answer with so many questions possible.  As sad as it is, I actually wrote myself a little cheat cheat to study in the car because I kept forgetting everything I wanted to respond with.  But oh man, things couldn’t have gone better!

I went in expecting some stuff.  Mainly because the principal was my 4th grade teacher, and also it was the same school I student taught last year.  As I walked in the office, he asked me how the family was doing and that he was sorry about my father.  Apparently all of Massapequa knows of this.  Anways, he wanted to steer away from the negative, so he asked what I have been doing lately.  Of course, what comes out of my mouth - DISNEY!  He laughed and said he saw that and said it was great I got to do that and live my dream.  From there on it got even better.

He then said that he knew I was looking for a sub position.  But the thing was his school was in dire need of a permanent sub, and my application couldn’t of come at a better time.  I was just in awe at the offer that was presented to me.  He knew who I was being a former student and knows of my teaching methods and really would like me in his staff.  Of course I accepted it and yeah I start on wed. Crap that’s a day away!

To make things even better, I come home and my friend Garry from Disney goes and sends me some files.  Not just files, the official Dream Along With Mickey show songs!! Yeah so me being me, I totally put it on my ipod the first second I had and just went driving around with it blasting with the windows down with people staring.  That’s right biotch you wish you could of seen this show at WDW!

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