May 24, 2005 19:50
So today was a good day. Im STILL counting down... by the way 3 DAYS!!!
So then 2 morrow im taking my Digital Camera... and this time im actually gonna load the pictures, and post them :p He he. So everyone should look pretty, so we can take pretty pictures! YAY!
Basically all day was just signing year books and movies. I saw Pearl Harbor in History, and in French we saw some 80s-90s movie called "If looks could Kill"... it was so Cheesy... hilarious stuff! Then after school it was more year books... and then Jon Jon walked me 2 the youth center, and so i took him home. That was... Interesting. Lol, but yea.
Then like i came home and ate dinner, then picked up Booger and Blackhead... took Blackhead home, and me and bri are eating shit. So yea thats like about it. Ok, well 3days!
Love Always,