Apr 16, 2005 20:35
So today has been quite eventfull, long none the less.
This morning was mini band camp which was very tiring... keeping the little ones under control, and getting 2 know them, and being friendly and all that nonsense. So everyone has these monsterous sections... except the flutes. And thank god my wonderful friends (Anthony) (from ponce) he IS gonna be in band. He just couldnt come 2day cuz he had 2 play at some country club no se que... (hes an awesome player)... but yea...
I mean i guess i got a little down cuz I was thinknig too much about something that i dont even want to bring up for the mere fact that ill get all down about it again. SO ANYWAYS...
After that we came we went 2 the eye doctor place... i got some cute sunglasses (that are normal and not all JLO) and then 2morrow i have 2 get my eyes checked, just cuz the insurance pays for it all. Lol my moms so cheap.
Then we went 2 eat in Miami Subs, and then went 2 my stepdads parents house... lol what a trip. Fun fun... THen we went 2 Target, and Oh man! It was nasty.... *story time*....
Ok so me and Briana always play in stores and like "Oh Anais i found the KY..." or "Oh Briana, look the pregnancy tests are on sale!" lol, cuz were dumb and bored... so anyways we said the KY one... and were putting everything into the car and brianas all "OMG... we actually got the KY?" and my mom and stepdad looked at eachother and were cracking up... EWWWW! Goodness....
SO ANYWAYS... I was gonna go out w/ Emily, Bresha and some ppl... but Bresha wasnt goin, it was gonna be Emily and random ppl. SO i decided 2 stay home and just talk 2 Robert (when he gets out of kickboxing) And thats about it. Im really tired
Love u all alots! XOXO