Mar 20, 2005 13:12
Today is going to be a fricken busy day!! ugh!! all i want to do today is relax and do nothing but no i get to do a bunch of homework, babysitting and clean my entire fricken room. If you know what my room looks like and if you know me, you know how long that will take me!! Oh yeah it will take a very long time. Im getting really excited about chicago with hannah!! I went online with my mom and we looked at things to do...some options are... Blue Man Group, Hard Rock Cafe, Ed Debevicks, All the Museums,the SHED aquarium, umm...Oprah, Water tower place, spa's, Navy Pier and yeah deff the popcorn place, and well many more things too!! I still want a tan but that wont be happening in chicago lol!! But just maybe!! lol JK! Thats all for now...just had to get it out of my system about my crappy day...update later!
Thought to respond to...
If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
I would go to europe buy a house and a horse and the yeah just live there !!