Nov 28, 2006 11:44
havent updated in a while. im in 2nd block. bored. Lupe Fiasco's Food and Liquor is a great CD. You should all listen to it. on repeat. so now im happy cause i brought up my math grade 2 a B. Im also gona get a B in my college class cause thats what i get on every single assignment. I have an A in the rest of my classes. Project due in history soon though wich is stupid. It also sucks a lil more cause all i do in that class is sleep n listen 2 music, i still got an A though so im str8. goin 2 the gym 2day. feel behind. need 2 get up on that. well i thought i had more time but class is over so bye 4 now. Aerosmith is sweet....especially in concert.