last night i dreamed a dream

Feb 22, 2012 08:01

and what a doozy it was
i dreamed that i was about to go to sleep aaaaaaaaaaaand
then adam was like ok but y'know, i'm going to let the animals out of their cages
but the monkey likes to sleep in the bed anyway
so adam let out his GIANT porcupine and potbelly pig and they ran all over the place and acted cute
and then my dad was like
ok (yeah my dad was there) i'm going to sing you a song like when you were little
and he sang a song about being proud i was in beauty school which slowly morphed into a muse song
it was pretty awesome
he was playing the guitar with an allen wrench so it was a pretty epic thing to see
so when i woke up i was like WHAT?!?! THAT WASN'T REAL?!?!?!
i wish it were, because i wanna pet that porcupine bad
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