What a day brings new meaning...

Jun 03, 2006 10:18

So here's a little run down.....

*I got irresponsibly drunk on Thursday/Early Friday moring. Went home at 3am to get up at 6am.

*I suck at setting alarm clocks, so it doens't go off and Jason and I wake up at 8:30am. Ms. Trish was having knee surgery that I was supposed to be at Mt. Clemens General at 7:15am to be a good supportive daughter. So I rush around and get there at like 9:30am. Ms. Trish is already in surgery. She gets out at I get to see her.

*She is still hazey from the medicine and epiderial so we spend a good chuck of the day with what would be a semi-drunk Ms. Trish. HILLARIOUS! God I love my Mom.

*Send her home with her friend Terry to recover. Jason and I come home. I take a 4 hour nap.

*Get a voicemail that Jerry (technically my grandfather, but he never acted like he was [my mother's dad]) has died. We have been expecting it. He actually died in transport from Blake hospital to hospice. You are only taken to hospice if it's not going to be long.

*So with my Ms. Trish still in a medicine haze we all decided it's not best to tell her until she's back to Earth. So she gets out of it and my Uncle Larry calls to tell her. Then I get a phone call from my Aunt Jane that I need to call her.

*So I call my Mom and we cried and just talked.

*I decide I need to go somewhere but I don't know where, so I get ready to go not knowing where I am going to go and sit in my car in the parking lot for an hour.

*I finally decide I want ice cream. So me, my cousin Kerri and my Aunt Jane go get ice cream and bring it back to her house. We all start to cry and laugh because my Aunt Jane and my Uncle Larry are now both orphanes. So we watched 3 episodes of Will and Grace to make ourselves feel better.


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