+[Honor](Doing The Right Thing)[ Dishonor](Not Doing The Right Thing)+

Dec 06, 2006 15:41

I love those people that are rightious and good, basically honorable. I DON'T Think someone is honorable when they abandon their responsiablities, and letting the influance of others effect their judgment. That is DISHONORABLE! Honorable people take responablities of their actions and puts their PIORITIES first.

It really bugs me how badly people treat each other, and not do the honorable thing it's just wrong!

To me that's the reason why MOST relationships end so horridly. Because of bad communication. That's why their are alot of broken relationships and marriages because they LACK the communication and think with their "Emotions" and not logically. Sometimes we all get emotionally and not think with our heads, and we end up getting hurt and hurt other people.

(The important thing Im try to say is do the right thing COMMUNICATE you two know who you ARE >:o!!!!!)

Hence why I myself have gone emomtionally mature, cause I can't cry anymore nor handle emotional things. I can only give my advice and that's all, sympathy I can have for so long then it's turns to anger. And it ANGERS me when one of my friends suffer so much and contently reminded of their suffering it make me MAD.(I hate seening any of my friends cry I really do!)

I love my friends like family and one of them told me not to hold back my emotions but what do I do when my emotions are everywhere? After all that has happened I can't stand back anymore and hold their emotional burdens I've done it once and I lost my friend cause they couldn't handle their emotions. Even though it was my fault I still taken it hard.(They killed themself). After that night I developed sympathy and care to them as much as I can. I can only give advice and sympathy for so long before it make me angery. Theirs a song from Papa Roach that Discribes me called Scars "My weakness is that I care too much." Perfectly discribes how I am with my friends and family. "I can't help you fix yourself. But at least I can say I tired. Im sorry I got to move on with my own life." Is how I can get after a while.

I want my friends to be happy and like I said on the start of the blog I wish people can be HONORABLE and do the right thing. And even if they have hate for each other and regardless of history the fact is this. Only way for a mutal friendship can form you need to COMMUNICATE!!!! Cause mis-communications can lead to choices that we would regret later.
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