Jun 18, 2004 15:17
yeah that interview went well, I went in and she gave me a job description, and she told me I was hired if I could get a work permit, and pass a drug test. No problems right? we'll see. Im hoping everything goes as planned but you know something always goes wrong. so if i don't get hired at Kroger because of this stupid drug test then I will drink ots of water and work at Donatos. well besides that nothing has happened except I saw Chrestien at Broad Ripple. She's working the bookstore until she gets a job. She stopped and started talking to me about Kelly and she asked me how bad kelly was mad at her and I said that she was mad about Chrestien saying she took so much abuse from Kelly. So Chrestien started going on about how she did take abuse. I didn't want to call her a liar because what she was saying could have been true but I didn't really give a fuck so I just told her I was staying out of the situation and if she wanted to straighten things out she needed to do so with Kelly. I think I did the right thing but who knows I prolly should have just hit her in the face, but hey Im trying not to be violent. My new goal in life is to be more like Taylor. She cares about everyone and would take thier pain if she could. I love you Taybo!!!And to know as much as Eva, because Eva knows everything. And the hardest part will be trying to stay myself while transforming into these other peoples good qualities. Wish me luck. I hope I pass that drug test.