Dec 12, 2011 23:17
So far the only name I got is “cult of human” lol I’m really serous about this. I just watched something on Buddha and honestly, I got really pissed. I had so much hope for it but it still comes down to “hey look at this guy, he’s better then you.” and that is my biggest issue with all religion. I cant buy intot his idea that any one is magic or better then anyone else. We all come in the same way and we all go out more or less the same way.
So!!! He are some basic ideas that I’m building it on
1) people are people
This is going to be THE MOST important thing. Above everything. Even above…
2) there is a higher power
I dunno what or who it is but it’s there and ya know what it cares what we do. But whats really important about my “god” is it has little to no effect on your life. For real. GOD IS BUSY!!! Think about all the stars and all the creature and all the plants and planets and moons and life that we don’t even know about. This higher being has to try and balance all of this. Think how small and unimportant you are in that. You’re an atom lol.
Now this doesn’t mean this higher being doesn’t care at all. It does. It loves all of us. Just doesn’t have time to make sure your every wish comes true. Which brings us toooooo….
3) be nice, then nice things happen
Not because theres some cosmic law that says so but because when your nice to someone, their nice to you, then they are nice to someone else and blah blah blah. If everyone made a small effort to just be nice. Not perfect, not great just nice. Ever smile at someone as you walk pass them? Not even say hello just smile. This tiny thing makes peoples day. don’t believe me? Think about going on the subway and everyone looks grumpy…what happens? YOU GET GRUMPY!! It’s scientific fact…for real. Were social creatures and we blend in with whatever environment were put in. so if your nice, people around you are nice,
4) no. no no no MAGIC FUCKING PEOPLE
No zombie jew. No child of god. No one has talked to god. No single person on this earth has ever been any more special then anyone else, ever. I cant even go into any more detail because this is such a simple idea. I don’t understand why all religion has focus on the idea that some living person is better then everyone else.
5) science is good.
Another simple and very “duh” idea that for some reason no one ever really embraced. Basically this means god made science. As in…god made a bunch of stuff, lol, like critters and rocks then in orer to keep everything moving smoothly gave them the gift of evolution. This way god can go about it’s business of being god lol and everything wont fall to shit. Again, simple and logical!
So yeah. More or less I wanna focus on logic and just being nice.
I may be insane lol.