Nov 25, 2011 22:37

So now to report on my thanksgiving!!!





I was getting kinda scared because Patrick got sick. He looked like shit yesterday, he looked a tad better today but my bet is he was just “powering thought it” as he keeps saying. I really don’t want him to push himself because he gets sick so easy and…yeah I baby my men lol.

But anyway, Patrick wasn’t ablke to help me cook and I didn’t wake up next to him so it took some of the...power? that’s a bad word for it. Like, the umf, the whatever lol WASN’T AS NICE. Now I really really hope he does stay here for x-mass eve. I want a important day with him. I missed his b-day and mine isn’t till may and who knows if we’ll still be together.

Well, I shouldn’t say that. At this point I don’t see this ending any time soon of course I always feel safer assuming the worse. Still…my mom LOVES HIM I LOVE his mom, I LOVE his sister and it’s just….meer…SCARED.

But this isn’t a freaking out post this is a happy post. I made KICK ASS FOOD. I’m like, a good cook. For real I can cook lol. I have no idea what I’m doing but when I really try to cook I make really yummy thingies. I made sweet potatoes <3 <3 they were REEEEEEEEEEEAAAALLLLY yummy <3 I was really proud of how they came out. I was a little bummed my mom did so much. I really wanted to do pretty much everything. Not sure how I would have lifted the turkey but still. that’s why I hate people in the kitchen when I cook. I wanna be left alone. If I make mistakes then oh well, I learn. I really do like cooking but I just…I cant do it with people around.

I love my mom but she makes me nuts. She cant like, let me do anything. I guess that’s just how moms are though.

Well I guess that’s all I really have to say it was..nice. Everything has been really nice. For a long time now…..


Things need to suck waaaaaay more really soon. It’s freaking me out way too much.
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