Jun 07, 2011 19:01
so i had my date last night. he's so cute. he had a boyfreind...how cute is that?
he picked up at like 6 and we went to kabuki, this japanese place by the cherry hill wegmens. there were nummmmmmy. i shouldnt have eatten earlyer that day cause they give you huge amounts of food and i couldnt come close to eat all of this. and since it's like all raw food i didnt wanna keep it cause..ew. lol
after that we went to see x men first class, the movie kicked ass. there were some timeline issues but whatevers. it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. and the guys were in it were really cute.
so after that we went to fridays for drinks. that was really nice we were talkin there for a long ass time. i wasnt so much drunk as...overly happy lol. i had had 3 beers, then we went over to the dinner and got more food. after that he wasnt ready to leave so we just hung out in front of my house for a while.
it was really nice. the dude is so frickin cute. as he was leaveing he was like "um..i dont ask for a kiss the first date but can i have a hug?" lol like dude...what lol. first ask for a kiss? no, bad...stopit lol. second...frickin awwwww. so i'll have to see how long before he rapes me lol.
oh another really cute thing. when i first got into his car he was shakin so bad lol.it was really cute, he's really cute lol.
so i'll have to see what comes of this. he was really excited to go on another date with me but then again so was will and he NEVER asked me out again. well never really did. i dont know if he was like waiting for me to ask him or what but this time i made it really clear that i wont ask him and that he has to ask me...so yeah..
i think i did good.