(no subject)

Feb 19, 2004 19:59

1) Taken or Single:singel bias

2) Your Age:16
3) Birthday: 7-20-87

4) Sign:
5) Siblings: 3

6)Hair color: naturl? right now pink
7)Eye color:
8) Shoe size:9

9) Full name: Amanda lynn byars
>*~* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *~*
1) Who is your best friend? hrmm thats a tuff one i guess my cousin kelsea

2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:no

3) Did you send this to your crush? no

4) Did your crush send this to you? i suppsoe

>*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*

1) Where is your favorite place to shop?:hottopic
2) Any tattoos or piercings:4in ears 1in tounge

>*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

1) Do you do drugs: no

2) What kind of shampoo do you use?: granear frutice

3) What kind of conditioner do you use:same
4) What are you most scared of: clowns

5) What are you listening to right now: billy talent

6)What car do you wish to have: 1979gremlin

7) Who is the last person that called you:? micah
8)Where do you want to get married? my front room

9)How many messenger buddies do you have online
right now? 4
>*-;-* F a v o r I t e s *-;-*

1) Color: black n pink
2) Whats your fav. food?: chinese chicken

3) Boy's names: jerimiah bruce
4) Girls name: fallon elizabeth

5) Subjects in school: fench and painting

6) Animals: knuckels my dog and pauly my bird
7) Sports: hahaha

*-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*

1) Given anyone a bath:
my niece and my little cousins
2) Smoked: no
3) Dumped someone: yes

4) Broken the law: haha so manytimes
5) Made yourself throw-up: no
6) Gone skinny-dipping? no
7) Ever been in love: yes

8)cry to get out of trouble:? haha

>*-;-* Q u e s t i o n s *-;-*

1) Do you like filling these out: ehh
2) How many people are you sending this to? ehh

3) Who will send this back to you: ehh

4) Gold or Silver: silver

5) What is the last film you saw at the cinema: gothika
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