Jan 08, 2005 23:56
Its been a while since i updated.. i guess i just had alot of stuff going on lately with school and cheering.. its been hard to balance out times for livejournal and stuff.. i dont even remember when my last update was because i havent read my lj.. ill just start with thursday..
Thursday- i went to school, which was pretty decent.. I hung out with angel at her house and it was a blast cuz i miss her and i absolutely loooove being around her because she makes me feel like a normal person again. Shes the greatest friend i could ask for. Then we got ready and went to the game.. around halftime, i got sick (strep throat or flu) and went home. I stayed home and had a fever and it sucked but i stayed online all night.
Friday- i stayed home from school and just hung out online and stuff.. slept alot. Then i wanted to go to the mall but i wasnt allowed cuz my mom was making me stay home.. It was kind of gay but im kinda glad i did stay home.. I stayed up all night talking online.
Today- I woke up and cleaned and stuff.. got ready and went to zachs party which was okay.. It was fun for the most part.. some things bothered me but im not going to let them get to me and i wont make them a big deal because i already have enough on my plate. I miss someone.. i know that sounds a little weird, but i miss somoene.. I miss hanging out and being friends with them, but i guess she moved on to bigger and better things and im happy for her.. Ill always be there for her, but its going to hurt me in the long run. Anyways, after the party, i took banks and dom to the teramanas. So here i am.. still sick w/ strep.. rrgh..
But thats about it.. nothing interesting really.. if i think of something, ill update..
Btw, i got a new digi cam so ask me on AIM for pictures (screenname: daphnehuggins)