Sep 05, 2005 00:42
Today was the best day at work in a loooong time.
Kiley and I did not stop giggling the whole shift, it was amazing!
*Walked in and almost hit the floor because Kiley actually came to work
*She demanded I call Drew and tell him the exciting news and that shes not a slacker!
*Seeing if the cell phone gets reception in the lockers...peep hole
*Steak fries
Kiley: You got more fries than me!
Dani: It's because Kevin likes me... :)
*The elevator with no mercy almost chopped my head off
*Saying everything with a lisp
-Flying saucer stool
-Super, thanks for asking!
*Couldn't think of any other words starting with "S"
*Paging doctor Patel for the doppler
*stealing the bed scale
-Wheeling Kiley around on it
*Getting hit with a nasty towel used to wipe off IV poles (normal occurance)
*Getting called Kiley and Nicole numerous times!
*Housekeeper: Did you steal my Sani-Master? (In a rather manly voice)
Dani: NO! (but Kiley did)
*Snooping around all the medcarts just looking for trouble
*Going to laundry to get linen bags...long walk
-Wheeling the bucket back feeling like a bum
-Wasting serious amounts of time
*Steeling the bladder scanner
-Getting the evil look of death for not returning it
*Taking orthostatic blood pressures manually and taking pulses the old fashion way
*Couldn't get the crash cart to go the right way...serious issues!
*Took the stairs up ONE floor and almost died.
-Couldn't even open the door we were so exhausted!
*Waiting around the corner for Kiley to come out of the bathroom
-I heard the toilet flush so I hid!
*Going to ICU/CCU to get lids...playing with the automatic doors
*Went to TCU to steal blankets since 450 hates Kiley
*Womens Unit = Tashmahall/Hilton
*Dying going up the stairs in the parking garage
*Our normal NASCAR race down Grosebeck between Harrington and Cass
-And laying on the horn and waving
Oh man, I know there is almost more that happened tonight. I don't think we stopped laughing at the stupidest stuff. The funniest thing had to of been the whole lisp thing. I thought we were both going to hurl over and die. Ever since Nicole and Brittany left us it seems like Kiley and I have become closer. :) It's a good feeling! And today we found out that Nicole might be coming back to work with us, however the reasoning is pretty unfortunate.
In other words, I <3 my job with a mad passion! And my co-workers!