Aug 10, 2004 19:48
I am back @ UNI, and some stress of things from the summer is gone, but now I have added stress... I feel like I am constantly on edge about everything. I want to take this year and change some things about myself... here is a small list I've come up with of things I don't like about myself and I want to change.
~ I am always so stressed out! I need to stop worrying about things and just ease up. RELAX! Oh how I wish I could relax.
~ I want to let go of things that happened in the past stay in the past. I am holding back on things because of my past! Let GO! Just let go....
~ I want to be able to Love. Ok, so letting go of the past would come into play. But I really need to let go of the past in order to be able to fall in love. I guess I gotta be fearless...
~ I wanna be able to Trust. Why can't I trust anyone? well, who knows. Past once again. Damn the past.
~ I want to not sit around by myself so much, take a risk, and go out. Maybe not parties quite yet, but I need to get out more.
~ Accept that some things won't happen the way I want. I KNOW that you don't always get what you want, and I have learned to not complain as much when they don't, but I still get disappointed inside. GOTTA LET THAT GO!
~ STOP COMPLAINING~ haha! well thats gonna take time, but maybe cut back on the complaining.
Ok... well those are just a few things I need to improve upon! I'm gonna get back to doing stuff in my room!